Jim Gilchrist Endorses Huckabee Over Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul!

For decades, we, at U.S. Border Control, have followed the axiom that one should never speak ill of any other immigration groups because it merely feeds ammunition to our enemies who favor open borders and amnesty for all.

But it is important to let the public know that not all immigration groups support Mike Huckabee.

Years ago, before he launched the Minuteman Project, Jim Gilchrist ran the idea past me in a conversation we had over the internet. His vision was to get volunteers, armed only with binoculars and walkie talkies, to join him at the border in order to show the government that regaining control of our borders was so easy that even grandmas and grandpas, sitting on beach chairs, could get the job done.

It was a brilliant idea and Jim Gilchrist’s experiment drew more media attention in a few months than the rest of us have been able to garner in decades. And for that, Jim deserves all our thanks for moving the immigration issues off the back burner on to the front page.

Sadly, I am afraid that Jim was not really prepared for his overnight fame and events overtook him. Shortly thereafter, he and Minuteman cofounder Chris Simcox went their separate ways with Chris establishing the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps that took in millions promising to “build a fence,â€