Monday, September 08, 2008
Use Illegal Aliens Already Here to Solve Farm Worker Shortage?

By John W. Lillpop

Democrat politicians and certain RINOs, including our addled president, are always looking for new ways to ram illegal aliens down the throats of reluctant Americans.

In the latest scam, these anti-American knot heads are passing out crying towels to gain support for agricultural tycoons who allegedly face a shortage of farm workers.

Prudent citizens: Save your tears and pity for both the corrupt farmers and the illegal aliens that they are so fond of.

To begin with, growers should not hire illegal aliens. To do so is a violation of U.S. laws, and is a major reason why America is saddled now with upwards of 38 million illegal aliens.

Secondly, how can there be a "shortage of workers" in a nation that is overwhelmed and overrun by illegal aliens?

For example, in recent years Americans were horrified at the sight of huge crowds of illegal aliens marching through our streets to protest the rule of law.

Why not round up these criminals, outfit them with straw hats, picking buckets, and other required farm-work paraphernalia, and ship them to the nearest needy grower?

In addition, jail systems throughout America already use incarcerated inmates to clean parks and roadways.

Why not force those here illegally, and in jail or prison, to meet the needs of the American people by picking grapes or tomatoes?

Other venues for locating illegal immigrants: Day labor centers, Home Depot stores, welfare offices, food stamp distribution centers, car washes, fast food eateries, English-as-a-second-language (ESL) classes, and DNC offices everywhere.

Third, if farmers would pay competitive wages, their labor needs would be met by real Americans--citizens and others here legally.

Indeed, reports indicate that the “shortfallâ€