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Alleged police brutality victim faces deportation

01:00 AM EST on Tuesday, January 26, 2010

By Gregory Smith

The U.S. government is moving to deport Luis Mendonca, 20, of Pawtucket, the man who is at the center of investigations of alleged brutality by the Providence police, according to his lawyer.

Mendonca was hurt Oct. 20 — allegedly beaten by a Providence police detective — in an incident glimpsed in a video recording from a surveillance camera widely broadcast by the news media.

Alberto Aponte Cardona, Mendonca’s lawyer, said the Rhode Island Department of Corrections remanded his client to the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Monday morning. ICE had filed an immigration detainer with the state to ensure that Mendonca would be held in custody, at least temporarily, while it challenges his residency status.

“We hope to have him released … very shortlyâ€