KGUN9 viewers still passionately debating immigration
Posted: Apr 28, 2010 7:26 PM CDT
Updated: Apr 28, 2010 7:47 PM CDT

Man, oh, man. Since I said that, it's doubled again.

By a sizeable majority, those writing us are talking about various aspects of the uproar over SB 1070, and they fully support the new law. This mirrors our own non-scientific on-line polls, which place support at about 75%. More scientific statewide polls have come up with similar results.

Many of the viewers are posting their comments directly on our website, on the comments section of individual stories. Anyone can do this, by the way. All you have to do is to sign up for a KGUN9 account -- it's free and takes seconds. Once you're signed up, you can comment without leaving your real name if that's what you want to do.

We're also getting unprecedented numbers of comments coming in by e-mail. Those do not go directly onto our site, but rather come into our assignment desk, where they are routed to me and others in our newsroom. It's my normal practice to respond individually to anyone who asks for it or who is commenting about KGUN9's coverage in particular. I still plan to do that, but I have to be honest and say that I'm swamped and have a huge backlog at the moment.

While most of the commentary continues to be directed toward the immigration topic or toward various newsmakers involved in that, we continue to get more accusations of KGUN9 bias. Over the weekend when protesters were taking to the streets in large numbers, many on the right felt that KGUN9 was giving those protests way too much time and attention, and that this indicates a left-wing bias on our part. My short response is that it doesn't. Rather, it's part of what we do every day, which is to tell you what is going on. Over the weekend, SB 1070 opponents were doing what people do in a democracy, coming together, networking and organizing to have a greater voice.

In part because we got so much viewer feedback pushing back on our coverage of that, on Monday we approached Governor Brewer's Tucson visit, and the protests against it, a bit differently. Rather than simply allowing all parties to make speeches, we tried to explore what their agendas really are. For the protests, as before April Madison gave demonstrators a voice, allowing them to express their views. But she also did something else - specifically, she asked them that if SB 1070 is not acceptable, what kind of immigration enforcement would they be willing to support? Then we assigned a separate reporter to the Brewer speech and asked her a similar "where are we going with all this" question. I can't say we got direct answers from everyone, but hopefully these approaches provided a bit different perspective.

We'd like to continue that and we'd also like to involve you. If you have a question you'd like KGUN9 News to ask of either the supporters or of the opponents of SB 1070, please send it to us. The e-mail address is

Meanwhile, here are some of the thoughts you've shared with us over the past few days. They are presented in no particular order, but they do reflect a fair sampling of the kind of responses you are sending us.

Brianne Condon: "I am so proud of Gov. Brewer for passing such a tough law! It was about time that we did something to crack down on illegal immigration. The people who enter this country without the proper documents do not have respect for our laws and customs and should therefore not receive the same benefits that the law abiding citizens of this country receive. This law has nothing to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with those that are breaking the laws of the United States of America by coming here without bothering with due process. Raul Grijalva needs to stop being a traitor to this state by calling for a boycott of big business coming to our great state and show some loyalty to the LEGAL citizens who are paying his salary."

Harry Zabower: "Jan Brewer showed a lot of guts signing the bill when the President and others were opposed. I live close to the border and we need something to help the situation and the people of Arizona."

Kathi Ballou: "Let's face it. Unless you are Native American, all of our ancestors came here illegally. They neither paid to get in, filled out volumes of forms, or bothered to ask the native population for access to their country. In addition Arizona was populated by immigrants from Mexico long before whites settled here. So 'taking back our country' is simply a fear of someday our (yes, I'm white) being in the minority and being treated the way we have treated minorities for decades/centuries."

Marcia Soriano: "I am a resident of Tucson, Caucasian, and married to a Philippino. My husband came to this country legally with all his proper paperwork.... In 2001-02, we spent over $600 in filling out and filing legal paperwork to bring my husband's 3 children here from the Philippines. We followed the laws and rules.... I watched the news broadcast tonight at 10 PM... One lady said, 'You can't take away the rights of the people that are here...' I say that the if you are here illegally, you do not have any rights.... Another man said, 'There's obviously going to be legal consequences, economical consequences, but most important is the voter and the political consequences.' Yes, legal consequences because if you don't have proper ID, you get arrested.... A kid held up a sign, 'We are human! Don't destroy our dreams!' Our country doesn't want to step on his dreams. Just fill out the legal forms to be here. Another little girl's sign said, 'My parents are not criminals.' Are they here legally? Then they are not criminals. If they don't have proper documentation, then they are breaking the rules. What kind of example are they setting for their daughter?

From Fred Thomas II: "Since the Gov. Brewer and her Republican cohorts brought this bill about and continue to look to cut education maybe they should change the state's slogan to 'We are 48th in Education and We Racially Profile.' That would sure work wonders for Arizona wouldn't it?"

From "Tim:" "Thank you Jan Brewer for sticking up for Arizonians. Now you've ticked off the President of Mexico who has threatened boycotts against us. Does that mean no more drugs and cartels coming across our border? Then I guess the bill worked!"

From "Anonymous:" "I'm tired of these people all in favor of the immigrants, especially Grijalva, Napolitano and Dupnik. I say to them why not just take down the border seeing as how they do not seem to care about the safety of the American people."

From Karen Bova: "I have been watching your news for several days now. You are my favorite TV station for news. I never comment on the news. But I must speak up now. I want to hear BOTH sides. All I seem to hear are views against the bill. It is your duty to be UNBIASED."

From Fran Blaesing: "To me Jan Brewer's pitiful justification of racial profiling legislation is an embarrassment to all of Arizona. Boycotting is not a bad idea -- it is what the U.S. has always done to other nations to show its loathing for their unjust policies."

From Alma Davis: "Mr. Grijalva: Where is your loyalty? You need to decide. If it's with the Mexicans, you need to apologize to Arizona and resign. If it's to the United States, you need to retract your statements re SB 1070. Where is your allegiance? Governor Brewer bravely did the right thing to save Arizona and set a great example for our country. I live in Green Valley. This is an older population and we no longer feel safe. I am 77. Illegals are picked up just three blocks up from my house. They go through the drainage canal at night. It is very disturbing to me. We had thought in 2000 this would be a great place to retire. Wrong. I am very angry and disagree with your idiotic view. You are VERY wrong, and your words sound very un-American. Does Mexico allow illegals?"

Dave Childress: "First of all, none of us are opposed to LEGAL immigration. Second, this bill will not lead to round ups of Arizonans who happen to 'look a certain way.' I am dismayed by all the slanted coverage of how horrible this bill is. I know it increases ratings. Heck, I have never written you before so this proves we are watching. The fact is, we are all watching now! ... It takes the murder of a hardworking rancher, Mr. Krentz, to expose just how bad things are here in Arizona. He was not the only victim of incursions. Thefts and assaults are on the rise. Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the USA.... SB 1070 merely allows for complete police work. Something we should all want. Furthermore, all it will do is enforce the 1986 Immigration Laws already on the books since both political parties in Washington refuse to protect us."

From Tanith Lane: "I think its a sad day when a U.S state legalizes a law that allows and promotes racial discrimination. This goes much further than racial profiling of Mexicans, anyone who looks like they might be foreign or speaks with a foreign accent may be targeted, and there are large numbers of people here in Arizona who are of foreign origin but are naturalized citizens, now they will have to carry their papers to prove they are not illegal. In addition tourists will certainly not want to visit Tucson if they think they will be hassled by Police, and you can expect to see much fewer exhibitors at the next Tucson Gem show."

The comments below were in response to the coverage of Sheriff Dupnik's position (he told KGUN9 News on Tuesday, then confirmed it in a press conference on Wednesday, that he will continue to detain illegal immigrants for the Border Patrol as before, but will not arrest them for trespassing):

From Anonymous: "We had a sheriff here like him. Once, during a parade, some drunk ran up and stole the sheriff's hat off his head as he sat in the back of a convertible. Later, when the reporters asked him why did he didn't do anything, he said, 'Well I would have, but there were no cops around when he did it.' Maybe Dumbnik can find some 'cops' to do his work for him."

From "Charles:" "Good for him!! 'An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.' -- MLK Jr."

Scott and Lori Tress: "I think this law is way overdue and Sheriff Dupnik should be relieved of his duty."

From "CexiBlack:" "Go Sheriff!!! This is not the right way to handle the immigration situation.... With all the crime and chaos going on, to pass a law like this and expect ME TO BELIEVE there will be no racial profiling, I don't think so. This is another means to give the law more rights than they deserve. Way to go Arizona.... AARP - Arizona Advocates of Racial Profiling.... Another Civil Rights Movement?????"

From "Robin:" "Why would a top 'law' man declare before the world that he will not enforce the law? The citizens need to study this top 'lawbreaker' man and vote him out of office."

From "Blacksox1:" "Does it really matter what he thinks about the law?????? Isn't it his JOB to enforce the LAW whether he agrees with it or not????? Great, now our law enforcement is admitting that they enforce what laws they like! Recall him NOW!"

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Please keep them coming by e-mailing us at, or, you may post your comments at the end of any story.

Forrest Carr
KGUN9 News Director