Feds and local police take proactive approach to gang control
Reported by: Angie Larsen
Last Update: 7/15 10:10 pm

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - Local and federal law enforcement agencies say they are fed up with gang crime here in Utah. They are launching "Operation Community Shield" and taking a new, proactive approach by targeting foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally and involved in gang activities.

Crimes committed by Utah gangs include: murder, fraud, domestic violence, graffiti and drugs.

"While we are tired and frustrated and upset about gang violence, we are equally motivated to eradicate it and remove their threat from our communities," said United States Attorney Brett Tolman.

One of the threats that this partnership of law enforcement is actively removing is illegal immigrants who are involved with gangs.

"I.C.E. is putting transnational gang members on notice. Their violence and criminal activity will not be tolerated in Utah," said Jonathan Lines, Asst. Spec. Agent in charge of I.C.E.

Last month, 50 Mexican nationals involved in gang activity were arrested in Utah County and Ogden as part of Operation Community Shield.

"Our task now is to make these charges stick so that these people will learn that they can't come into the community and commit crimes," said Weber County District Attorney Mark Caria.

Many of the arrested gang members will be deported, either now or after their prison sentences are served. If they come back, then they'll face even more prison time when they are found.

"We have taken a large chunk, I believe, out of future Utah County crimes by removing people that are the source of a great number, disproportional of the crimes committed in our county," said Utah County District Attorney Jeff Buhman.

The majority of the gang members arrested have membership or association with Sureños 13, but other gangs were also targeted.

"Utah is the leader in the nation in how serious they take this illegal re-entry and deportation and prosecute them. Many of these individuals had simply made a mockery of our immigration laws. They've been previously convicted of other violations and deported and are using our borders as a revolving door," said Lines.

Nine of the fifty people arrested have been deported before and face new charges for illegal re-entry. This is just the first wave of Operation Community Shield. It will soon be integrated into other Utah communities.
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