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  1. #1
    Senior Member zeezil's Avatar
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    UT: Latinos rally against legislation hurtful to IAs

    Latinos rally against state legislation hurtful to undocumented residents
    By Nathan C. Gonzalez
    The Salt Lake Tribune
    Article Last Updated: 02/23/2008 05:46:29 PM MST

    When Alvaro Lopez left Oaxaca, Mexico bound for the U.S. in 1989, his goal was a better life for his loved ones.

    "I didn't come to this country because I wanted to. It was because I needed to," Lopez said. "I needed a better future for my family."
    Lopez said he is grateful for opportunities he has been given in the U.S. "This is a great nation," he said.

    He was one of about 100 Latinos who gathered Saturday at the Centro Civico Mexicano in Salt Lake City, to voice opposition to several immigration reforms making their way through the state Legislature.

    The group praised Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. for his opposition to two proposed measures, one that would repeal in-state tuition for immigrant students at the state's colleges, and another that would require drivers to get driving privilege cards.

    "Gov. Huntsman understands one other thing: that immigration reform needs to be done on the federal level," said Tony Yapias, of the Proyecto Latino de Utah, which organized Saturday's event.

    Of concern to many immigrants in Utah is SB81, which among other things would enlist state and local law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration laws, force public employers and their contractors to verify the legal status of workers and make it a class A misdemeanor to transport or shelter undocumented immigrants.

    "To us, there is nothing kinder or gentler on Senate Bill 81," Yapias said of the bill introduced by Sen. Bill Hickman, R-St. George.

    During the rally, Yapias and others pleaded with immigrants to call Huntsman's office in opposition toward several immigration reform laws.

    "We have rights in the eyes of God," Ricardo Hernandez told the crowd in Spanish, after Yapias opened the microphone to members of the crowd.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member zeezil's Avatar
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    Well, this must make the editorial board and staff at the Salt Lake Tribune very proud. They and the Latino IAs can all engage in a group hug and sing Kumbayyah together. Just kinda warms my rand brings a tear to my eye.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member miguelina's Avatar
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    When Alvaro Lopez left Oaxaca, Mexico bound for the U.S. in 1989, his goal was a better life for his loved ones.

    "I didn't come to this country because I wanted to. It was because I needed to," Lopez said. "I needed a better future for my family."
    Lopez said he is grateful for opportunities he has been given in the U.S. "This is a great nation," he said
    I'm sure there are millions of people in Iraq, Darfur and other countries who "need" a better future for their families too and would love to come to the US, why does Lopez think he is welcome to sneak in illegally?

    These laws are supposed to keep all illegals. Don't know how much clearer we can be.
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  4. #4
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    He was one of about 100 Latinos who gathered Saturday at the Centro Civico Mexicano in Salt Lake City, to voice opposition to several immigration reforms making their way through the state Legislature.
    I wonder how many Mexican Flags were flying in Salt Lake today?
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  5. #5
    gemini282's Avatar
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    What audacity to say his behavior is okay because he "needed" to come here. That's like a drunk driver saying he shouldn't be held responsible for his actions because he needed to drink and drive, a rapist saying he needed to rape, and so on and so. They don't want to be hed accountable, the laws are there for a reason or else the US would be overwhlemed with people who "needed" a better life. He says this is a great nation but his loyalties are to his home country, very dangerous.
    I think Mexico thinks if they have millions of mexicans here it gives them a say in US policy and that the US won't be quick to put sanctions on them. But they'll find out soon enough that you do not mess with US citizens because we may be the kindest and most generous of nations but we are also the strongest and bravest and will defend this country against anyone even 20-30 million IA.

  6. #6
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Senate sponsor delays vote on anti-illegal immigration bill
    By Jennifer W. Sanchez
    The Salt Lake Tribune
    Article Last Updated: 02/23/2008 01:29:59 AM MST

    It was anticipated that Utah lawmakers were going to vote on a comprehensive anti-illegal immigration bill on Friday, but its sponsor moved the vote to next week.
    SB81 is expected to easily pass out of the Senate in a final vote Monday. The Senate, in an initial 21-8 vote, approved the bill late this week.
    On Friday, after two days of tweaking SB81 on the Senate floor, the bill's sponsor Sen. Bill Hickman, R-St. George, told lawmakers he wanted to give them the weekend to study the revised SB81 because several amendments were made to it.
    The Senate on Friday also:
    * In a 27-0 vote approved HB262, a bill that would mandate that the state seek reimbursement from the federal government for costs that related to illegal immigration. It now needs the governor's signature to become law.
    * In a 25-1 vote supported SB97, which would create an immigration task force made up of 11 lawmakers this year to study current and proposed federal and state laws and policies on illegal immigration. SB97 now heads to the House.

    Would require that the state seek reimbursement for costs of dealing with illegal immigration.

    Would create an immigration task force.
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