SALT LAKE CITY -- Cities and counties fear enforcing Rep. Stephen Sandstrom's proposed illegal immigration law would slice into already strapped budgets and divert police from other important duties.

"How hard is it going to hit us? What is the cost?" asked Bountiful Police Chief Tom Ross. "Daily we're having to juggle resources. I don't look to take on a new challenge if we don't have to."

"In passing immigration reform, the financial burden of enhanced enforcement ought not to be balanced on the backs of local government." -Gov. Gary Herbert
In figures released Monday, the Legislative Fiscal Analysts Office estimates House Bill 70 would cost local governments $5.3 million to $11.3 million a year to enforce.

The law would require local police agencies to verify the legal status of people they detain for other offenses if the officer has "reasonable suspicion" they are in the country illegally. Those found to have a criminal record would be referred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Those with a clean background would be fingerprinted, photographed and released.

Ross estimates it would take one of his officers 3 and a half hours to process someone in a so-called catch-and-release situation, including having to drive to the Davis County Jail and filing a written report.

"Our biggest concern is just that segment that's going to be the revolving door segment," he said.

An audit revealed that Utah is spending about $50M-$80M PER YEAR educating the children of illegal immigrants and now people are worried about the annual $11M or so that it would cost to enforce the law! DUH, Let's see... What should be done?