AMNESTY for ILLEGAL ALIENS is back! And, the U.S. Senate could vote on it possibly in a matter of HOURS!

Maybe some Members of Congress think you're stupid! Maybe they think you just aren't paying attention!

Whatever the motive, a group of Senators (Democrats and Republicans alike) are trying to sneak through an amendment -- attaching it to a bill authorizing spending for the War in Iraq -- that will grant Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens !

But don't take our word for it...

According to the Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill:

"The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday added to an Iraq spending bill a controversial provision to help pave the way for undocumented agriculture workers to win legal status, a move that may reopen the divisive immigration debate on the Senate floor.

"The so-called Ag-Jobs amendment, sponsored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho), would create a process that allows undocumented workers to continue to work on farms."

Essentially, the AMNESTY amendment says:

If you broke our laws, are living and working in the United States ILLEGALLY, then the U.S. government is willing to award you with citizenship!

More specifically this Feinstein-Craig amendment would direct the Department of Homeland Security to grant "emergency" legal status to as many as 1.35 million illegal aliens and another 650,000 over the next several years!

If we are going to put a STOP to this foolish attempt to grant Amnesty to 2 million illegal aliens and their families, we must ACT IMMEDIATELY! Remember, the AMNESTY amendment may come up for a vote in a matter of HOURS from the time you read this letter.

Remind them that congressional approval ratings are at an all time low and with an election less than six months away, attempting to SNEAK an Amnesty amendment into a bill authorizing funds for our troops -- who risk their lives each and every day -- is NOT going to win them any points with the American people.


The More The Merrier...

But that's not all.

In addition to the 2 million illegal aliens who will become eligible for legal residency within the United States, the spouses and children of these illegal aliens will automatically qualify for legal status as well!

According to a article written by Ira Mehlman:

"[T]he Appropriations Committee approved amnesty for 1.35 million illegal alien agricultural workers, and made available an additional 650,000 skilled and unskilled foreign guest workers over the next three years. That's 2 million new, or newly legalized, foreign workers entering our labor force over the next three years -- even as our economy has been losing jobs."

"The 2 million figure does not include the dependents of the amnesty recipients or new workers who could be admitted under existing agricultural guest worker programs."

The American people (Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike) have overwhelmingly and repeatedly told their elected officials, no Amnesty, secure our border first!

And they've responded by essentially telling us; Alright, we hear you loud and clear. We won't try to shove Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens down your throats anymore. Instead we'll try to sneak it by you when we think you aren't watching because, in the end, we really DON'T CARE what you think!



Come On In... The Water's Fine

And just how would up to 1.35 million illegal aliens qualify for these "emergency" five-year-Visas?

Get a load of this!

1) The illegal alien must show that he worked 863 hours or 150 days, or that he earned at least $7,000 in "agricultural employment" between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2007.

To put that 863 hour figure in further perspective, a person that worked 40 hours a week, 50 weeks of the year over that same four year period put in 8,000 hours.

If you factor occasional overtime, an illegal alien would only have to show that he worked one hour for every ten hours you worked!

And just how does someone who is in the country illegally and works under the table PROVE he worked those 863 hours anyway?

That's easy; we just have to take his word for it!

2) The illegal alien must show that he is not a convicted criminal or a known terrorist.

And what about terrorists who are not known to the authorities or criminals who have not been caught or charged?

Obviously, they get to stay!

3) The illegal alien would be required to pay a $250 fine.

At today's prices, that's just a few tanks of gasoline or a week's worth of groceries!

People who come to this country legally pay thousands (in some cases tens-of-thousands of dollars) in fees and legal expenses. It takes them years to become citizens legally. Is it really fair that Congress is now trying to reward those who snuck into the United States illegally?

And, of course, our legislators always have the option, down the road, to make these five-year Visas permanent (you know they will...).

We don't have a lot of time... possibly only hours remain to flood the Senate with your Blast Faxes!

The Scariest Part...

What is probably scarier than the fact that we've allowed 12-20 million illegal aliens to come into the United States illegally...

... is the fact that this Amnesty the Senate is trying sneak past us will only encourage tens-of-millions of additional illegal aliens to come into this county illegally.

Our senators KNOW the American people want illegal immigration stopped. They KNOW the American People want a secure border.

But too many of our politicians JUST DON'T CARE what the American people think or want.

Not quite a year ago, they tried to give amnesty to every illegal who moved.

That time, we terrified most Republicans and enough Democrats to make them back off -- a great triumph...

Maybe they've forgotten that particular uprising of the people.

Let's remind them just how passionately we feel about Amnesty.

But more importantly, let's show how passionately we feel about THEIR ATTEMPT AT DECEPTION!

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Wed, 21 May 2008 5:05 am
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