McDonnell: I Can't Supoort DREAM Act

Posted by Brent Finnegan on August 27th, 2010

Although the DREAM Act is a federal immigration policy proposal currently stalled out on Capitol Hill in D.C., an immigrant from Harrisonburg pushed Virginia’s chief executive to take a public stance on the bill Thursday night.
At the assembly in which McDonnell promoted his plan to privatize Virginia’s ABC stores, the governor also fielded questions on a wide array of topics ranging from climate change to mountaintop removal to Chesapeake Bay cleanup regulations.

One of the last questions of the evening came from Isabel Castillo regarding McDonnell’s stance on the DREAM Act. If the name sounds familiar, you may have read about her protest and arrest in DC last month

Castillo, who entered the U.S. when she was six, rattled off an impressive list of scholastic accomplishments before hitting McDonnell and the assembly with, “but I’m undocumented.â€