Latino Bank Opens in San Diego

Enlace, Posted: Jul 27, 2008 Share/Save/Bookmark

SAN DIEGO -- The only Latino bank in San Diego County officially opened its doors this week in Chula Vista, reports the Spanish-language newspaper Enlace. The bank offers loans, checking and savings accounts in a bilingual and bicultural setting. Financed largely by Latinos, Vibra Bank aims to finance new businesses and offer "Mexican-style" service, with close relationships between bankers and their clients. David Bejarano, a former San Diego police chief and one of the bank's founders, said the bank hopes to invest in the community, including nonprofit organizations and local public service agencies. "We're open to all consumers," he said. "But it's aimed at the Latino community." Accounts can be opened using a Mexican passport or matrÃ*cula consular, a form of identification issued by the Mexican consulate.