Clean up the voter registration system
Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Out in Seattle Washington a grandmother is being brought to court for making a false statement to a public official after she successfully registered her dog to vote and cast voided ballots in his name. The woman knew she would get into trouble but felt it necessary to prove just how easy it was for non-citizens to vote. All she had to do was get her phone hooked up in the dog’s name and then use the phone bill as identification and bam- a dog was registered to vote.
We have a system that is allegedly built on laws so she must face the consequences of her actions which she has said she will do willingly. What is sad is that the government refuses to take a lesson from this. Our electoral system is too important to our sovereignty to allow non-citizens to illegally participate. Unfortunately the easier one makes it to register to vote the more opportunities for corruption to take place.
Maybe it is time for a biometric ID card, maybe it isn’t. One thing is for sure, it is time to clean up an electoral system that allows not only non-citizens and nonexistent people to vote but has seen plenty of dead people rise from the grave to vote as well. Reducing the potential for corruption in elections should not be a right or left issue but an American issue.
James Gregoire Fairfield ... &Itemid=46

I like this woman! I hope she's one of our group.