TRANSLATED FROM: ... guanajuato

Leon, Gto., 27 Jun (Notimex).- Agents from the Office of the secretary of Public Security of this city were caught, through a videotape, when they asaulted and tortured a civilian by name of Angel Segura Medina, for
which the authorities investigate the case.

At a press conference, the secretary of Public Security of Leon, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca, reported that the three police officers involved, seen ona video diffused by a local television station, have already been fired.

The presumed agents are José Luis Alvarez Juárez, Miguel Ricardo López RamÃ*rez, who at this moments are fugitives, and Miguel Angel Garcia Rodriguez, until now is the only person under arrest.

Cabeza de Vaca gave the facts of the assault that occurred on March 21, at the south of this municipality, aproximately at 16:00 hours.

That day, the three police officers attended a civic report, for which they stopped Angel Sure Medina, for supposedly assaulting his wife, nevertheless it was until 10:00 p.m. when the agents presented him before the judge, and the affected never denounced the aggressions.

In the video it is observed how the two agents strike the man placed under arrest that is shackled and thrown in the box of a patrol pick- up, while the other police agentsrecords the beating.

The secretary of Public Security of Leon commented that, till this year, 90 agents have been fired, as well as 30 municipal agents, for undue conducts.