October 28th, 2010 11:32 am MT

Voting law repeal provides voting opportunities for Latinos
By Miguel Perez, Phoenix Civil Rights Examiner

The Arizona law that requires proof of citizenship has been overturned. Therefore, all Latinos can vote whether they are documented or undocumented. This is great news for the Latino Civil Rights Movement.

The Democrat party is the best friend of Latino families. Voting Republican or not voting at all can hurt our chances of reclaiming our homeland of Aztlan. The Democrats are working hard to do the following:

•Provide citizenship for undocumented Latinos
•Providing social security benefits and back pay for undocumented Latinos
•Providing Latinos the opportunity to vote, whether they are citizens or not
•Provide better education for Latinos
•Provide better healthcare for Latinos
Phoenix has a lot of polling places and I am told that almost anybody can vote, documented or undocumented. Go here to find your local polling place. Remember, Latinos, the future of this country is ours.

