Washington holds immigration keys

By: North County Times - Editorial

Our View: U.S. border policy is an ugly mess. But it is the job of the federal government to clean it up ---- not state government, not the fed-up citizens who plan to patrol the border, not the local police.

And so, once again, we urge all Californians to the particularly bold action of doing nothing. That's right; please do nothing about illegal immigration. Any local action is properly confined to humanitarian aid for immigrants in dire need and to lobbying federal representatives to adopt sane solutions.

Chief on the list of sane solutions is a guest worker program, something President Bush promised long ago. We're still waiting.

The fog of illegality leaves immigrants ripe for exploitation. It tempts otherwise law-abiding employers into tax evasion and workers compensation fraud.

With the economy booming, San Diego County's unemployment rate is effectively zero. That means the flood of illegal workers is not tossing citizens onto the unemployment line, although it probably holds down wage growth for low-income workers. But on balance, rock-bottom unemployment means immigrant workers are welcome and badly needed in the local economy. After all, that is why these folks keep coming to America: jobs.

Seizing on this connection is Jim Gilchrist, organizer of the Minuteman Project, which abandoned its freelance border patrols in favor of a citizen crackdown on employers. Gilchrist's group is looking for retired Internal Revenue Service examiners, prosecutors and immigration lawyers to help authorities nail the business owners who employ illegal immigrants.

Meanwhile, Jim Chase, the Oceanside man who recently split with Gilchrist to form another group, plans to hit the California-Mexico border this weekend.

By placing civilians in the path of law enforcement activities, both groups risk distracting and interfering with authorities or, worse, getting someone hurt. And they surely aren't helping matters. Exhibit A is the continuing paralysis in Congress. Gilchrist's publicity stunt in Arizona drew international press, a scold from President Bush, cheers from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ---- and precisely no federal action.

But never fear, California lawmakers are here.

Assemblyman Mark Wyland, R-Del Mar, is pushing a ballot initiative that would bar illegal immigrants from using state health clinics, paying low "in-state" tuition at colleges and getting driver's licenses, among other privileges. In addition, Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrietta, wants to form an expensive new state police force to round up immigrants.

Their reasoning makes sense to a great number of voters: State taxes should not support a class of people who broke the law to come here.

There is, of course, a competing piece of sound reasoning: Illegal immigrants are here, so we must treat them with the dignity and compassion befitting a great society. From this camp, mostly Democrats, there are a constant flow of bills in the Legislature to, among other things, grant driver's licenses and expand state-funded, preventive health care.

Meanwhile, the best studies indicate that immigrants, legal and illegal, add to the economy far more than they drain public resources. In addition, their children's earnings are the nation's only hope of paying for the explosion in retirement and medical costs that will accompany the retirement of the Baby Boom generation.

Crystal clear is the reluctance of voters and their federal representatives to take the dramatic measures required to dent illegal immigration, such as militarization of our borders, a federal crackdown on employers and nationwide sweeps.

Southern Californians must stop fighting about local measures that offer no hope.

Instead, we must crack heads in Washington. Republicans desperately want to hold power; Democrats just as passionately want to regain control. Incumbents on both sides will listen intently to voters who organize to replace them.