I just finished listening to a video about our current Economic situation.
The gentleman compared The United States to the Sinking Titanic...
After the Titanic hit the Iceberg, the lifeboats were lowered... With the Wealthy and Elite first class passengers FIRST.
As with the Stimulous Packages being given out by our Goverment now, the Bailouts going to the Largest Banks in America, The Auto Industry and The Mortgage Industry... The Wealthiest in America.
While on the Titanic, the second and third class passengers went down with the ship... So are we the Taxpayers of America.
The Goverment is taking OUR money to give to THEMSELVES and THIER WEALTHY FRIENDS !
How long are we going to wait until they take everything we HOLD DEAR?
They already have our children in debt. Did they deserve that?
The Titanic went down with alot of GOOD people on it.
Will America go down also, with a lot of GOOD people?