(or May 1, A Day With An illegal alien)

Until recently The United States of America was a great place to live where Americans could expect a good future for themselves and their family.



Americans can’t send their children off to school with any assurance they will get there alive, let alone be safe once they are there.

Americans can’t go off to work with assurance that tomorrow their jobs will be there because they could be replaced at any time by cheaper labor or their jobs could disappear entirely to another country with cheap labor and no humanity toward their workers.

Americans can’t visit many national forests(something the average American family might still be able to afford) without fearing a walk in the woods could end at a Meth lab or Marijuana farm being operated by illegal alien drug dealers.

Americans can’t drive down a road with the feeling of freedom and motion which we long enjoyed because they might be killed by a drunken illegal alien with a stolen or no driver’s license who may have been deported many times but is still able to have a job, buy a car and house, have a bank account and credit, but who pays no taxes.

If you don’t meet this guy, LUCKY YOU……….you can keep your job, pay your taxes AND……

You can pay for the illegal alien’s health care and that of his family and posterity.

You can pay for the illegal alien’s children’s education.

You can pay for his lawyer and a translator when he gets in trouble.

You can pay for the incarceration of huge numbers of illegal aliens in jails across America. Until, that is, they are let go to perpetrate another crime.

And this situation suits the Congress of the United States led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and George Bush the occupant of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Ultimately, though no one is talking about this, when illegal aliens have received amnesty, brought all their relatives to America, changed the official language to Spanish and become the majority:

Americans won’t have to vote, that is the 40% who do vote, because it won’t make any difference you will no longer have a say in anything.

But you can work for them growing pot or in their restaurants or sweatshops, if you learn Spanish.

And folks the only consulation I can take in all of this is:

No current congressman, political family dynasty, or corporation

Will be wanted or needed by a latino government who have their land back, improved real estate, courtesy of the hard-working founders of America and their descendants. Americans who let a corrupt movement in America take over their government and who have let this corrupt bunch render middle-class Americans irrelevant.

Yes folks, they warned you on May 1, 2006 when they declared in their marches that they were taking their land back, demanding citizenship, burning the American flag and hijacking the government.