What the term moderate politician actually means
November 7, 2:10 AM
Virginia Beach Conservative Examiner
Dave Gibson

We are hearing the term 'moderate' as it applies to politicians more and more. Politicians and their liars-for-hire believe that the term makes them more attractive to voters of both parties. A moderate Democrat wants conservatives to see them as someone who is not too liberal. While a moderate Republican would like to be seen by liberals as someone who is not too conservative. However, so-called moderates really bring very little to the table and in the end...please no one.

A moderate is simply someone who refuses to take a firm position on important issues. More to the point, a moderate is one who just lacks principles.

Former President Clinton is a great example of an un-principled politician (and not just for the obvious reasons). While Clinton came into the White House a liberal Democrat, he left a mere moderate. Clinton entered office with visions of government-controlled healthcare and an expansion of Lyndon Johnson's so-called "Great Society" dancing in his head. However, when faced with a Republican-controlled Congress, Clinton adopted a so-called moderate, or even a Republican agenda.

Clinton introduced the largest crime bill in history as well as a tough welfare-reform package. In order to leave a legislative legacy, Clinton shed his liberal principles and could easily be considered a Republican by today's weak GOP standards. Though Clinton was extremely popular with Democrats, most true liberals were angered by his drift towards the middle. While he was forced to side with Congressional Republicans, it would be easier to find a golf ball in a snowstorm than to find a Republican who had anything good to say about Clinton.

While Clinton had to face a Congress which was controlled by the opposition party, President Bush did not have that problem. The White House and both houses of Congress were held by the Republican Party for six years. However, precious little was accomplished during that time. Liberals though, were of course, unhappy and despite the rhetoric from the RNC, the majority of true conservatives despised President Bush and his weak leadership.

Afraid to alienate Latino voters, President Bush refused to enforce this nation's borders. Everyday, thousands entered the United States illegally and spread crime, disease, and frustration across the country. Hospitals were bankrupted, schools, and municipal services were stretched to the breaking point. Nearly 30 percent of this nation's prison population is comprised of illegal immigrants...Why? Un-principled, moderate leadership.

Gone are the Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC) and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) They were principled men and were they still in the Senate, they would stop at nothing to derail the march towards outright socialism and the dismantling of this great country.

Instead, the Senate Republicans are now led by appeasers such as John McCain and Lindsey “La Razaâ€