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  1. #1
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    What we need? Or what we deserve?

    What we need? Or what we deserve?

    Pat Boone
    Posted: November 01, 2008
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2008

    Well, here we are. We've arrived at the intersection of two roads, one of which this country will decide to take. We'll choose between Resolution Road and Capitulation Highway.

    By our voting – or not voting – we'll set out irreversibly on the road to our future. And it's one or the other.

    Resolution Road is not a new thoroughfare. It's bumpy and hilly, and it needs repair. There are patches where it's not well lit and others where trees or rocks have fallen across it, creating obstacles that must be removed. But it's been there a long, long time, and it's been the chosen route for millions for almost 230 years. It's always been the way home, to the Land of the Free, to that Shining City on a Hill, as President Reagan described it.

    Remember what Ben Franklin said, when asked what the Constitution had created? "A republic … if you can keep it." He knew even then that only resolve, watchful dedication by the citizens, would preserve the dream.

    On all previous maps of the United States of America, at least since the Civil War, Resolution Road has been the direct, sure way back to the most incredible civilized society the world has ever known. Sure, it takes concentration and focus and even occasional sacrifice – resolution – but it's the proven way to what most of us have cherished and the rest of the world has envied.

    But, now, there's also Capitulation Highway – a wide open, mythical new road that millions seem ready to travel. Though no one has yet traveled on it, they've been told it leads to an enchanted new place called CHANGE. Its extravagant advertising promises great education and total health care for every American, and even 12 to 14 million illegal aliens. Taxes? What taxes? Except for the evil rich, of course. Oh – and corporations! Why should 90 percent of the people have to pay taxes, especially if people don't choose to work, since the rich obviously can and should pick up the tab for everybody else?

    In this exciting new destination, laws are loose and easily changed or abandoned if they get in the way of popular trends and desires. "Marriage" and "family" have only vague, fuzzy definitions, applicable to virtually any combination or variation. Pregnancy and childbearing? Sure, it's necessary for a continuing population, but nobody should be obligated or "punished" with an unwanted child as a result of sexual escapades. Abortion will be available to all, including the youngest – and, best of all, it's tax supported. Religion, for the few simple-minded or old-fashioned folks who still want it, is permitted, but only in the privacy of homes and some churches. And under no circumstances is any religious babble or judgmental talk allowed in the halls of government or on the airwaves.

    The architects of this superhighway say that all will travel at such a happy speed that they'll have virtually no worries, every need met by a benevolent Big Brother government, with wealth evenly distributed, and any potential enemies diplomatically sweet talked into waving cheerily as the "New Americans" sweep by. At last, the nation will be just like Europe, with a socialistic way of life where everybody is just like everybody else, anything goes, and any sort of moral absolutes are just quaint notions from the past.

    Yes, this road and its destination sound so appealing to so many now. There's no apparent toll, either, but all who travel this road must be willing to capitulate, to surrender all outmoded ideals like independence, obedience to annoying laws, earning advancement by hard work and dedication, and resisting absorption into the greater brotherhood of nations, the New World of The Future.

    Best of all, it seems, our guide on this Capitulation Highway is an articulate young man who – though he's never traveled the road before nor been to whatever is at the end of it – claims to know exactly how to get there and to lead us all there safely.

    He's cast a spell over much of the populace, wooing them with dreams of happy unity, a restored environment, new sources of energy, a bustling economy with affordable everything for everybody, the approval and admiration of all other nations, Supreme Court justices with whom he has no "ideological differences" – and subsequently a revamped constitutional order that can accommodate just about anything anybody wants to do.

    Sounds like Paradise, doesn't it? A real Shangri-La. Everything Karl Marx imagined, and more! And really, all it requires is total capitulation, a giving in to the baser instincts of mankind, a relinquishing of those old ideas of the sanctity of all life, even the unborn, and all those needless restrictions on behavior and instant gratification. Fifty million abortions since 1973? Hey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! With Planned Parenthood and increased government funding, no young girl ever has to have a baby if she doesn't want to!

    Why, this young guide to CHANGE can even make the wholesale slaughter of innocent children sound like a laudable right of women; and to placate those who still oppose abortion, he and his religious advisers promise to promote adoption, letting some babies live, and provide prenatal and postnatal care to young mothers who keep their children alive. He hopes we'll forget that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision opened the legal door to a national holocaust unequaled in mankind's history, and he's determined to appoint judges to see it stays in place. And he and his sold-out advisers ask if reducing the number of child murders to maybe only a half million a year won't suffice.

    This guide with the Muslim name and several longtime Muslim extremist friends supports allowing same-sex marriage, socialistic plans for the economy and toning down military response to just about anything, favoring dialogue as our primary defense. And he makes it sound reasonable and appealing! And all we have to do, to acquire all he promises on the superhighway, is to surrender every last shred of moral restraint … to capitulate.

    The only alternative we have to Capitulation Highway is Resolution Road – recommitment to the strong principles that created this republic. The biblical writer proclaimed long ago, "Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a disgrace to any people."

    Time to choose. We're about to get either what we need – or what we deserve.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member roundabout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I think I have heard about that Capitulation Hwy. Is'nt that the road that is lined with "little pink houses for you and me." One would have to admit that if you sat around stoned out of your gourd that would be an exciting trip. Rainbows and flowers everywhere, sooooo beeautteefull!

    Wait just a cotton pickin minute!!!! Does Capitulation Hwy. drop us off at San Francisco? Or Rio Linda? This sounds like a trick!!!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Doots's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I choose Resolution Road.

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