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    Senior Member ruthiela's Avatar
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    By Joe Kress
    September 27, 2006

    Is our president using double talk or is it Orwell’s “doublespeak”?
    His father George Herbert Walker Bush was not the original coiner of the phrase “New World Order.” Besides Hitler, I’m sure that all of us can recall that well-used term, by kings and rascal demagogues going back to the time of Julius Caesar or perhaps that’s what Alexander might have said when he conquered nearly the entire old, known world.
    George I’s son, JWB II, the President of the word manipulators, conjures words not found in the dictionary and then mixes his antonyms with his synonyms. President Clinton, although much more articulate was not exactly precise when he couldn’t define what “is” is during his impeachment testimony.
    I call it verbal prestidigitation. It makes Bush sense, if you don’t want the United States to have its unique Constitution and if you don’t want the United States to retain its sovereignty. It makes Clinton/Carter sense if you want unelected, non-approved judgeships appointed from Brussels or The Hague by those unconcerned with our system of case law, common law, the principle of innocence until proven guilty and the Bill of Rights.
    It makes Bush sense, if you desire one world governance where the central bankers control a one world single currency of their own design and in turn control the economic future of the planet. Incidentally, that already has occurred in the United States when President Wilson signed off on the 16th Amendment (and when the Senate ratified the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)) which created the WTO and when George I promoted NAFTA and Slick Willie again signed off on that most heinous legislation this country has ever had thrust upon it. The Maastricht Treaty was adopted by the European Union and consequently all the countries therein lost control of their national sovereignty and their borders, but now look at what has happened to our borders.
    To accomplish what has transpired ever since McKinley was murdered and his Vice President took over the reins of government, America’s manifest destiny was launched. That ushered this nation into the claws of European affairs. Teddy Roosevelt was up close with the Rothschild banking interests.
    As a brief aside: the Rothschilds go back a long way. Alexander Hamilton created the first central bank called First Bank of the United States to finance the debt accumulated from the Revolutionary War. The backer of the bank was the Rothschild controlled Bank of England. When its charter expired, President Madison, desperate to stabilize the currency, authorized the Second Bank of the United States with Nicholas Biddle as its president. That bank was also backed by the Bank of England until President Jackson vetoed its charter. Biddle’s bank later collapsed in 1843.
    The Rothschild agent and financier Nicholas Biddle was the main proponent for central banking, but Jackson was aware that too much paper money was being lent out without sufficient gold reserve backing and decided to put an end to it Subsequently, the time between 1837 to 1863 was known as the Free Banking era when banks created their own specie notes using gold and silver for reserve backing; and because of the untrustworthiness of the gaggles of bankers within the states and their numerous failures, the system simply didn’t work.
    In 1863, the Rothschilds really had it in for President Lincoln because he created U.S. Treasury issued greenbacks without backing or interest, with a promise to redeem the creation of the paper money in gold and silver after the war. He refused to borrow that part of the money needed to support the war against the South by paying the Bank of England’s high interest rates. Abe probably was more than concerned that the Rothschild interests were surreptitiously financially supporting both sides during the on-going War of Secession (Civil War).
    His decision also established the precedent that the federal government would be the only official issuing authority for this country’s currency which resulted in the elimination of the “free banking era.” The 1873 financial panic caused by the collapse of the J Cook bank resulted in further bank reform. This bank financed much of the North’s Civil War debt. Its failure put thousands of businesses in bankruptcy and it took three years for the nation to begin to recover from its devastating impact.
    The new system that emerged out of Lincoln’s decision was called the National Bank, which was later found to be also unsatisfactory because its reserves were in both gold and silver. The international bank creditors prefer gold rather than silver any day or night in the week. The bank’s insolvency with great amounts of silver and only a few bars of gold caused the financial panic of 1907. It was John Pierpont Morgan, Sr., at the request of President McKinley, who saved the National Bank from bankruptcy. Pierpont used his bank and other private connections to establish credit to purchase sufficient gold to replace the run on National Bank’s gold bullion reserves, thereby rescuing the nation’s currency until Congress could remove silver as part of the nation’s backing of the dollar. Remember the famous remark by the perpetual candidate William Jennings Bryan about being crucified on a cross made of gold?
    Enter the Rothschild interests once again, circa 1910 -1911, to link up with J.P, Morgan, Jr. to form the private central banking cartel, The Federal Reserve System. It was a conspiracy by representatives of the Bank of England, the Warburg banks of Germany; the Rothschild’s banking cabal of France, Germany, and England; and by the corrupted son of Pierpont Morgan who represented Morgan Trust. Senator Aldrich, the maternal grandfather of David Rockefeller, attended the meeting and also sponsored the first attempt to get it passed in 1911. It was called the Jykell Island secret meeting which forbade President Taft access to it. During the early morning hours, when all but a contrived quorum was present during the Christmas break of 1912, the Senate voted to approve the Glass Steagall Act. The stooge of the central bankers, the newly elected president Wilson, eagerly signed it. Before he died, Wilson stated that he ruined his country by placing his country in the hands of a group of unscrupulous men of whom he dare not speak.
    [To better understand how the money power took this country over, read: "The Coming Battle," and "Creature from Jekyll Island"]
    The central banking system we “enjoy” today, is one where the Congress provides the Treasurer of the United States the authorization to issue interest bearing bonds (without hard asset backing which ended with the elimination of the gold standard) so that the central bank can issue federal reserve notes (without hard asset backing) to finance the spending habits of the Congress and the White House. The bonds are competitively sold at discount in the financial markets and the proceeds credited to the U.S. Treasury to pay for government purchases. The central bankers purchase some of the bonds and hold them in reserve (collecting interest) and use the bonds as a part of the backing for their loans to their customers.
    The federal government spends the money by purchasing goods and services, weapons and welfare. The vendors and those on the government dole deposit the money into their bank checking and savings accounts. The central bankers then have a steady supply of funds entering into the system, which by law requires 10% of deposits to be held in reserves; 90% of the total may be lent out. As these loans are redeemed, another 10% is retained for reserves and another 90% is lent out. This cycle is repeated up to 28 times before additional created money is required to feed the system. Congress is always ready to oblige. This money creation machine is what is called fractional reserve banking where the banks use none of their own money. United States currency is rolled over numerous times, all of which generates enormous profits for the bankers. In other words, the goose that lays the golden egg is really the Federal Reserve Banking System and it has the legal authorization to create money from nothing and charge interest for it. The system has never had an outside audit.
    Bush I and II are members Skull and Bones, a Yale fraternity born from the German Order of the Skull, which was an offshoot of Illuminism, whose tentacles reach into governments and religions. This emblem is what the SS wore on their caps. Clinton, Carter and Ford also accelerated the globalist one-world government process governed by that silent hand of which President Wilson said he dare not speak.
    Presidents Clinton and Carter both belong to David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission and the Rothschild directed Royal Institute on International Affairs, which is the umbrella organization that guides the one world plan that the Councils on Foreign Relations (CFR) carry out. Through its over 4,000 members in the United States, the CFR is able to implement the process. Ex-President Ford is a CFR and Bilderberg Group (BG) member, the latter of which is a powerful, secret organization founded by the Rothschild, Prince Bernhardt cabal to set world wide policy decision on economics, trade, political, education, labor, major media and finance. Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands chairs the Group. It has a limited number of members who are leaders in all the aforementioned fields of endeavor. There are several U.S. senators and a few influential congressmen who are invited attendees to the Bilderberg meetings … Senator Diane Feinstein, Senator Chuck Hagel, Congressman Charles Rangel, Senator Richard Lugar are among the politicians in Congress who attend. George Soros, the currency manipulator and enemy of the United States’ system of government, and Henry Kissinger, an infamous government insider and president of Kissinger Associates with hands in near every plot are key participants. President Clinton, before becoming president, was interviewed by the Group and shortly thereafter became a candidate for the job of president.
    The plan for globalism really had its beginning when Plato wrote The Republic, where selected elites govern the rest of the population. This idea was followed up much later when Teddy Roosevelt worked hand in glove with the central bankers, mainly the Rothschild/Warburg interests. Teddy betrayed the incumbent President Taft who wasn’t enamored with the idea of installing a mainly European Central bank to run the banking system of the United States and set interest rates based on decisions of the Open Market Committee, outside the control of the United States congress and his Administration.
    Teddy, who voluntarily decided not to run for another four year term in 1906, later purposely created the Bull Moose Party with the intent to split the Republican vote in the election by running as a third party candidate competing against Taft and Wilson. It worked; and Taft lost the election and our country lost control of its money system.
    The signing of the 16th amendment, the introducing of the graduated income tax (which is taken right out of a person’s pay before he or she receives it) and the 17th amendment (direct election of senators) were the initial manifestations and legacy of Wilson’s era and the infiltration of the un-named hidden power brokers. Teddy’s cousin FDR introduced Social Security, raised the inheritance tax, and initiated the steps towards accomplishing the transformation of America.
    Congress and later, following the traditions of the New Deal, legislated cost of living increases added millions of newly created additional recipients, otherwise not eligible for Social Security benefits. President Johnson merged the S.S. funds into the general treasury funds to balance the costs incurred from his wild social welfare expansion and the Vietnam non-war War. The national debt exploded. Since Johnson’s unconscionable spending spree, the subsequent presidents and congresses discovered that debt didn’t matter so long as the treasury floats un-backed bonds and other nations keep buying them.
    We now are experiencing a Roman holiday of spending to satisfy the open maw of the public’s welfare demands and corporate exemptions; undeclared non-war wars; even legislative approval for negative tax payments to working people who don’t pay income taxes in the first place. Instead of resolving the debt problem, the Republican controlled congress keeps approving even more debt. George W. Bush signs off on all legislation spending no matter how outrageous it may be with a wink and a nod. He has never vetoed a single bill.
    The Medicare and Medicaid funded health care funding systems are massively exploited by patients, medical practitioners and health care providers, thus driving up prices to the point that these systems are a financial disaster. Yet, the voter-conscious congress and our President went ahead and approved an additional welfare solution … the monster pill dispensing plan which fits neatly with the pharmacy industry solution to avoid a crack down on overcharging. This strategy is a variation of the Hillary Clinton’s medical plan and the Republican Party’s irresponsible financial race to the bottom. The public will really get a taste of socialism in all its aspects when universal health care raises its ugly head and is passed because socialized health care will look good in comparison to the present alternative. In the meantime, to defer judgment day, the Republican controlled House and Senate with help from the Democrats continue approving more pork filled bills and demands on the nation’s empty treasury. They have utopian expectations that China and Japan will continue to hold on to our un-backed and low-yield bonds.
    Another tragedy is about to befall this nation because of inept leadership. Ethanol is touted as a great substitute for oil. Corn is the product used to produce it. The price of corn has increased 11% just this year and the pig industry is primarily dependent on corn for feed. The price of food is about to jump considerably across the board when farmers realize that corn brings a much greater profit than raising pigs or for that matter vegetables where profits are significantly less than growing corn. Is Ethanol a suitable solution or will it cause an explosion in prices and a shortage of vegetables and meat?
    Is the Department of Agriculture looking into this? Is this nation to become dependent on imported food and consequently further increase the disparity of our nation’s balance of payments? China is exporting organic foods, yet its government has not established a comprehensive inspection system to prevent food contamination. Much of Chinese vegetables are grown in night soils. How many more incidences of imported ecoli contaminated packaged vegetables will result in the poisoning of hundreds of our citizens? Worse yet, mega-corporations in our country are employing cheap, imported labor who could have possibly contributed to the recent incident of spinach contamination. Thus far, the public has not been alerted by our government as to what could affect the entire economy and the safety of our food supply.
    Bush II declared that there will be no child left behind. The program is an example of government meddling and bureaucratic control, with all the administrative expense and paperwork, reports and inspections that the government demands The Bush order is one that the public school system finds impossible to meet. The demand for compliance is not fully matched by federal funds and, even if that were the solution, all children are not mentally, physically and motivated equally. The states are charged to pick up the financing and, if failing to meet the federal standards, are subject to being taken over by “expert Federal Department of Education fixer uppers.”
    It was the Grand Master of the Masonic Order of the United States, Albert Pike, who espoused Hegel’s dictum that from competing opposite forces develops a state of chaos which eventually resolves in synthesis. It is evident that the powers of which no one dare speak have every intention to create economic chaos. To top off this Chinese-fall-apart, we are to act mainly alone as the world’s protector against the forces of evil.
    To accomplish the new world order, after the Hegelian synthesis is completed, religions are to be considered an impediment - a major goal is not to eliminate them but to infiltrate and control them. Next, the freedom to resist is to be eliminated; all movement to be strictly controlled though the implantation of identification chips beneath every newborn’s skin and later, all those receiving any government benefits, which means just about tagging the entire population. Next, undefined hate speech laws coupled with long prison sentences and huge fines in order to impoverish the violators. Then, increase restrictions for gun control to eliminate all privately owned weapons. Next, all crime control agencies, both state and federal, including all elected sheriffs and their jurisdictions and all internal surveillance will fall under the control of the Commissar of Homeland Security Forces.
    We have experienced the power of past and present presidents ignoring the will of Congress through the use of stealth and self-declared edicts that are called presidential orders. The media has been complicit by not alerting us to these cavalier, self-declared, unlawful or questionable declarations … the reason being that the major news media is controlled by those who desire the end of the United States as we have known it. International corporate socialism is preferable to the communist system. One should not overlook the fact that in the past, the media had a love affair with Stalin and communism.
    We the people are docile, sheeple-like, more interested in creature comforts, more demanding of the nanny state and more than willing to hire brave military volunteers to fight the nation’s battles as casualties keep mounting, yet unwilling to sacrifice at a time a serious threat hangs above our nation; World War III has already begun. A lack of leadership, by not asking sacrifice from the public, has resulted in a lack of support for the ongoing conflict, an indication that our leaders are charlatans undeserving of respect. Worse yet, President Bush and former administrations and the congress have allowed our borders to be invaded by a hoard of illegal aliens, some of which are enemies who are certain to create havoc much worse than what happened on 9-11.
    We have allowed this nation’s industrial capacity to be hijacked and its labor force betrayed because of GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and soon the under advertised North American Union and the planned 10 lane highway from Canada to Chile that will eliminate our borders.
    The dollar’s value is hovering below the value of the euro, a gauge in the eyes of the world that the U.S. of A. is losing its economic strength. We’ve allowed our Congress and our presidents to place this country in debt by $8.3 trillion dollars, with projections that the debt will exceed $16 trillion dollars by 2010, an unsustainable amount that will bring on the complete collapse of our nation’s currency.
    We’ve allowed the mini-state of Israel to dictate our Middle East foreign policy because so many Zionists have imbedded themselves in the Congress, the White House and the major media.
    I didn’t spend 28 years in the military, serve in that no-win, non-war war in Korea and again in the no-win, non-war war in Vietnam, to accept the idea that this silent, illegal invasion is okay or be complacent that we are in the last throes of losing the freedom we once knew.
    I’m more convinced than ever that Alexander Titler was correct in his assertion, written at the time of our founding fathers that democracies never last beyond 200 years which evidently applies to ours as we crossed the 200 year mark. The reason is that the vast majority of the people lose their will to defend what was given to them. We need, besides our fighting military, civilian patriots, not wordsmiths, in charge. We need to rid the nation of phony welfare slugs and replace greedy out-of-country corporations that use my country as a cash cow without paying the fare of loyalty or responsibility to the United States and its people … those of us who are the legal citizens. We need to close our borders and control the processing of immigrants to insure security. We need to toughen up!
    Most of all, this nation needs to adopt prayer and faith in God instead of the boob tube, an obsession with sex and how to avoid pregnancies. We must deplore the embracement of Hollywood’s influence that causes violence and immorality. We must stop the mindless illusion that we can continue doing what has caused us to become effete, overly materialistic, fat and bloated, unhealthy, ignorant and subservient.
    END OF AN ERA 1/20/2009

  2. #2
    Senior Member xanadu's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    well... I'd say that just about sums it up
    "Liberty CANNOT be preserved without general knowledge among people" John Adams (August 1765)

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