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  1. #1
    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    When Tancredo's convinced, I'll believe promises about borde

    When Tancredo's convinced, I'll believe promises about borders
    By Curt Dale

    It's about time! I'm usually one of Bush's strongest supporters, but regularly criticize our failure to control illegals pouring across our southern border. I'm disappointed at the cavalier treatment given the Minutemen who showed how border control is possible and provided chilling insights into the magnitude of the problem.

    The lack of action to truly secure our borders against illegal aliens is bewildering. Bush recently said, "We're going to get control of our borders and make this country safer for our citizens. ... I'm going to work with Congress to create a program that can provide for our economy's labor needs without harming American workers, without providing amnesty, and that will improve our ability to control our borders."

    Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff joined the chorus, telling a Senate panel he would stop a "catch and release" policy that allows illegal aliens to vanish within.

    I'm not yet dancing for joy at these pronouncements. Are they words couched in ifs, ands and buts?

    Am I skeptical? Yup! So, I need answers to hard questions. What's brought about this major administration shift? Is it true desire to control our borders and stop illegal influx? Will it shut down massive outflow of money illegals wire back to Mexico without collection of taxes? Will it stop the foolishness free health care and welfare support to illegals? Is it merely pre-midterm electioneering?

    I can't help not quite believing. A couple of months ago Bush called the Minutemen "vigilantes." Now he's touting doing exactly what those Minutemen were insisting he do. I want to believe, but I'm leery until I see results.

    Talk show host Bill O'Reilly was regularly lambasted for his criticism of our open borders, scathed for insisting on using the National Guard to bar illegals.

    Congressman Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., has pushed unceasingly for border control and was treated like he has lice for his effort. Has the White House recanted and given Tancredo credit for his wisdom, or is he still a GOP exile? If I'm to believe there's credence to these tough-on-the-borders words, show me Tancredo pulled to the forefront to champion the effort. Absent that, I'm mighty wary.

    Recently, a great commotion was made about hiring and assigning more Border Patrol guards. Alas, it was mostly a numbers games with few new boots on the ground. Am I now to believe that Homeland Security has had a great epiphany? Sorry! I'm suspicious. What's hidden in the words we heard?

    It'll take more than words to convince me. It takes big dollars and big programs to build fences, deploy sufficient border guards, round up falsely documented illegals inside this nation -- from border to border, coast to coast -- and boot them out. I want policies and programs with enough substance to secure borders.

    Show me the president will face the wrath of societal elements that favor open borders, protect illegals and don't want illegals kicked out or kept out.

    Show us impregnable border fences. Show us massive expulsion of illegals who've slipped in through any border or port. Expel those who've overstayed their visas for years. Then I might believe.

    Woefully I question such grand dictates coming out of left field without profound, substantial buildup of the framework and support necessary to carry out the promises.

    Therefore, I want President Bush to show us the essentials. How will this promise be fulfilled? Even define exactly what's been promised. I'm behind his idea, but a mere idea and words won't stop one illegal entry.

    Curt Dale is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and Vietnam veteran. He lives in Parker with his wife, Pat, and has seven children and seven grandchildren He was born in West Virginia and is a Republican
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    None of know what is going on with the Wackident. We have to believe he's under pressure from the widespread information gathering and sharing about this problem that has awakened Americans including the real base of Real Republicans. Excess immigration both legal and illegal has flooded the nation to an extent that can not be sustained. Bush knew it when he allowed it. Greenspan knew it when he touted it. Congress knew it when they turned a blind eye. The Supreme Court knew it when they ruled years schools could not deny foreign nationals an American Education. Federal Employees knew it when they instituted the "catch and release" program. Federal employees knew it when they cried "we don't know who they are, where they are or what they're doing".

    EVERYONE in authority knew this was wrong and destroying the United States.

    NOW EVERY AMERICAN knows it.

    The GIG IS UP,



    CAUGHT RED-HANDED selling out our Nation.

    I suspect that is what has turned the verbal tide.

    We'll see what they really do when they shut their traps and go back inside.

    Until WE see US TROOPS on the Borders, WE should not believe a word from any of these Traitors about anything, but WE should do everything within our power to force them to keep the promise now that it has been made in front of the mike with millions of American Witnesses.

    Afterall, a deal is a deal,

    And a promise made should be a promise kept.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #3
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    Now I will try to answer the questions posed by Colonel Dale. PLEASE do not be deceived about the latest pronouncements from Wackident and Company. This is a political ploy intended to regain some support from his "BASE" ( I CRINGE EVERY TIME I HEAR THAT WORD!). Wackitator is going down the tubes at a rapid pace and he is grasping for ANYTHING that will pump up his numbers in the polls. He's clueless on every front and this is the one issue that could potentially garner some support for SOME program he comes up with. Since every other "BOLD" program has crashed around him, he thinks this will be his salvation. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

    One has to be able to read between the lines in the speeches by Bush and Chertoff to see the buried GUESTWORKER PROGRAM proposal. They have had FIVE YEARS to take the border issue seriously and, like Colonel Dale said, Bush was calling the Minutemen "Vigilantes" when he and AMIGO were discussing the border MONTHS AGO. NO--there has been no REAL EPIPHANY. The only epiphany that's going on here is POLITICAL. Colonel Dale is right on target when he says he will believe it when he sees the fences going up, SUFFICIENT border guards and real ACTION.

    Colonel Dale--I really hate to burst your bubble but it ain't gonna happen, Capn'! This is just his political hot topic for the month because he's DESPERATE. He is NOT going to risk losing ONE HISPANIC VOTE OR lose the friendship of his best AMIGO, Vicente Fox, to actually take action on the border. If you think about it, if he actually DID all the things he SAYS he's going to do, it would prove him to be the LIAR that he is because what he's saying now is the polar opposite of what he's been espousing for five years.

    Don't count your chickens before they hatch. It will be a cold day in HELL before Bush takes RESPONSIBLE ACTION for the mess on the borders that he has helped create. I know it's not only Bush who's created this mess but he, and he alone, can take credit for what has happened for the last five years and that is a major DISASTER.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    There's one other little tidbit that we forgot to throw into the mix for Colonel Dale to ponder. Remember, in Bush's little diatribe, he STRESSED OTM's! It was like he just completely glossed over the M part! Guess that would really upset AMIGO to hear his man saying that he was going to deport MEXICANS ALONG WITH OTM's.

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