all i want to know is when are we going to do something. calling, e-mailing etc. is fine; but when are the american people actually going to take a stand in this b.s.? we have a president (if that's what you want to call him) and his whole staff (that is still changing to this day) that is blantantly and obviously influenced by greed and corrumption. and all of them should be fired or impeached. if millions of mindless, uneducated third world "illegal aliens" can just steal our country right in front of our faces and your elected officials care more about their rights than yours, and we do nothing but talk, talk, talk then we've become a bunch of weak a** amercicans. i'm ashamed of my country and the so called leaders everywhere. this bamboozal is right smack in our faces. the media, government, elites have sold us out. when are we going to stop talking and realize what's really happening here? Please, if we are not going to show unity by doing a national march and shut down this damn country, then we've lost. we need to make a clear and forcful point to the politicians and to the world. we are tired of the b.s. and we are tired of be taken advantage of by "everybody". if someone can give me any info on what are true plan is to put our country on the right track, please tell me now because i love my country, i fought for my country and i'll fight again if need be. like i said, if we are not willing to go into the streets by the millions and show the world what freedom and unity is really like then we're wasting our time fighting wars for freedom for other countries when we have war right here and we're doing nothing but talking and letting a bunch of monkeys (media, politicians, elites) tear this great nation apart. WAKE UP AMERICA NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!! or maybe it's already too late.