I was doing some reading, the "NEW AND IMPROVED" comprehensive immigration bill.The section of it that really most caught my attention was "Subtitle D-Border Law Enforcement Relief Act-Section 142"...
Which states the United States Border Patrol apprehends over 1 million illegals every year. Congress "ESTIMATES" there are 11 million "UNAUTHORIZED" aliens in this country.
Well, that reading got me scratching my head because of another story I read awhile back.
If you read down on this story to the Step1 Estimate the gross numbers of Illegals entering the United States,
you will notice the dramatic change in Govt. statistics. So WHY LIE?
I knew I had seen the actual number of Illegals entering this country and screamed profanities at the TV or radio when I heard that 12 million number. What one really needs to take into consideration is this:
In 1986 President Reagan granted "AMNESTY" to an estimated (govt.estimate) 2 million illegals, with the Congress promise of tougher Border security.
If they have been capturing an "Estimated" 1million since 1986, and 4 or 5 have been getting thru....HOW MANY ARE ACTUALLY HERE???
Oh, by the way...This "NEW AND IMPROVED" immigration bill will allow the families of ALL the Illegals to come here too.
I really HOPE GOD is on OUR side...Because our Govt. sure isnt.