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Thursday, September 08 2005 @ 08:35 PM PDT
Neo-fascist Minutemen Invading Long Island

Thursday, September 08 2005 @ 10:21 AM PDT
Contributed by: Anonymous
Views: 104

BordersThe Minutemen, a group known for patrolling the US-MEXICO border with GUNS and stealing water from the Arizona desert are coming to Babylon Long Island in hopes of recruiting more members in thier anti-immigration effort.

The Minutemen, a group known for patrolling the US-MEXICO border with GUNS and stealing water from the Arizona desert are coming to Babylon Long Island in hopes of recruiting more members in thier anti-immigration effort.

They believe in closing down all US borders, and blame the men, women, and children, explioted in American sweatshops and hard labor as the cause for a deteriorating economy.

However, it is not worker's faults that they are so desperate to work for less than minimum wage the the average american city. worker's do not hurt our economy, if anything the exploitationthey are put through helps american economy flourish through cheap labor.

If the Minutemen were really interested in having American cheap labor exploits end they would protest the WTO, the IMF, CAFTA, and Imperialism, not people of color.
Although they have not admitted to it, hate crimes against immigrants have often been traced back to them and many of the individual members, including the founder Jim Gilchrist, have been charged with various hate crimes, as their man mission is to "hunt for illegal aliens". They have also been openly linked to racist and anti-semitic hate groups. stop white racist nationalists!

Counter rally on
Saturday, Sept. 10, from 2-6 PM at the Babylon American Legion Post ..94
22 Grove Place
Babylon, NY 11702
bring signs, banners, friends noise makers, and tell the Minutemen racism and xenophobia will not be allowed in LI!

Anarchists! Bring your signs, flags, and passion!