Who bussed those protesters in to Phoenix over the AZ SB1070 law suit?

Dallas Political Buzz Examiner Devonia Smith

Members of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

https://secure2.convio.net/pep/site/SPa ... S_homepage

"The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition formed on September 14, 2001. It is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and prominent individuals and scores of organizing centers in cities and towns across the country. Its national steering committee represents major national organizations that have campaigned against U.S. intervention in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia, and organizations that have campaigned for civil rights and for social and economic justice for working and poor people inside the United States."

1. Repeal Arizona’s SB 1070 and HB 2281!
2. No to all anti-immigrant legislation!
3. No human being is illegal—Full rights for all!
4. Stop Joe Arpaio!
5. End all racial profiling and police brutality!
6. Stop the raids and deportations now!Stop the budget cuts!
7. Jobs, healthcare, education and housing—not war!

Union members led by the Los Angeles County Federal of Labor, AFL-CIO

http://www.launionaflcio.org/section/ci ... migration/

"The L.A. County Federation of Labor supports comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants throughout the country. America is a land of immigrants, and immigrants today play an indispensable role throughout our society and economy. We oppose the attempts to scapegoat immigrant workers, and we oppose workplace raids. The labor movement and immigrant communities stand together in our demand for a fair and just immigration system".

This morning on Fox News, a constitutional attorney slammed the law, claiming it's unconstitutional because we can't have one law in Arizona and another in some other state. The attorney defensively added when asked if this would be a defining moment in Elections 2010 and 2012 for the Obama administration , "I don't think Americans should hold the president accountable... if you don't like the law, change the law."

Governor Brewer doesn't like U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ruling of law and she's off to have the ruling changed as soon as possible.