Published: Sept. 20, 2010
Updated: Sept. 24, 2010 9:57 a.m.

Who wins, loses from mass immigration to California?


Immigrants' effect on the California lifestyle

No state and almost no developed economy has absorbed so many immigrant workers so quickly as California. The arrival of more than 5 million foreign workers over the past four decades raises a basic question: Who wins, and who loses?

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If you are middle-class and college-educated, immigrants make your busy life a little easier – and cheaper.

Over the past generation, immigrants like manicurist Trang Le, a citizen, and cosmetologist Maria Rosa, who immigrated illegally, have flocked to the hairdressing and cosmetology business. Since 1970, wages in that field have dropped by 20 percent.SOURCE »

MORE PHOTOS »•Interactive chart with average wages for immigrant-dominated occupations from 1970-2008.
•Interactive chart with top 25 California occupations with highest percentage of foreign-born workers and top 25 California occupations with highest number of foreign-born workers.
•Interactive chart showing the education levels, average wage and birthplace of California workers from 1970-2008.

Immigrants like Martha, an undocumented worker in Anaheim, have largely taken over the housekeeping business. Wages for housekeepers have dropped by 30 percent since 1970.

No state and almost no developed economy has absorbed so many immigrant workers so quickly as California. The arrival of more than 5 million foreign workers over the past four decades raises a basic question: Who wins, and who loses?SOURCE »

“Five million workers over the past four decadesâ€