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Posted on Sun, Jul. 17, 2005

Why CAFTA is a terrible deal for Minnesota farmers


You applauded the U.S. Senate for its Central American Free Trade Agreement "compromise that protects Minnesota sugar beet farmers" ("Accord on sugar sweetens trade pact," July 1).

But the term "compromise" implies two parties come to a mutual decision. And that is simply not what happened. While the two-year "compromise" will postpone the hemorrhaging, America's sugar farmers know what is to come. They cannot support CAFTA and neither should our representatives.

According to your editorial, the compromise "assures Minnesota farmers that … CAFTA won't cut into their market." But this short-term compromise doesn't apply to the train wreck awaiting sugar farmers in 2008. That's when Mexico has unfettered access to the U.S. sugar market. That sugar, on top of CAFTA sugar, will send thousands of Minnesota farmers and workers to the unemployment line.

But CAFTA isn't just about sugar. The trade deal is facing an uphill battle in Congress because it is simply a bad trade deal. Take for example the fact CAFTA does little to address Central America's low labor and environmental standards.

Central American countries already enforce minimal environmental safeguards, and CAFTA contains no standards to encourage progress. Does your editorial suggest we ought to support CAFTA's deterioration of our environment simply because a clause to increase ethanol production has been added? Perhaps you should ask corn farmers who already count on ethanol production to create demand for their crops.

Your editorial suggests American farmers ought to stand aside and support this dubious trade agreement because "Central American and other foreign sugar producers want the same bountiful harvest and monetary reward." That argument is not only emotionally manipulative, it is also false.

Proponents of CAFTA argue it will allow Central American countries to increase trade with the United States, and therefore jobs â€â€