Interesting point!
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Why are employers hiring illegal immigrants in favor of hiring American citizens with disabilities?

Tom Swanston
February 6, 2007
As the US government remains at an impasse over what to do about illegal immigration and illegal workers, over 70% of people with severe disabilities in this country are without a job.

One of the arguments for allowing illegal workers to remain without penalty at their jobs is the misconception that American citizens will not take these often labor-intensive, low-paying positions. In Southeastern Virginia alone, there are hundreds of people with severe developmental disabilities who would love the chance to work and earn a paycheck, but are being denied that right because of misconceptions and discrimination.

Why are employers hiring illegal immigrants in favor of hiring American citizens with disabilities? Either they are unaware of this huge available pool of people, or they feel it would be too time consuming or expensive to train and/or supervise these individuals. They could not be more wrong. In fact, hiring people with severe disabilities saves corporations thousands, even millions of dollars each year.

Many non-profit vocational service organizations across the country like Chesapeake Service Systems (CSS), provide job coaches for free that work along side people with severe disabilities in their jobs until they feel secure enough work on their own. There are also sheltered/enclave supervised employment opportunities where those who are the most severely impaired work on assembly-line type of work.

According to the Disability Funder’s Network website, people with disabilities constitute the largest minority group in the United States--crossing lines of age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status. They also report that the majority of people with disabilities are poor due to lack of opportunities.

Working gives people with disabilities self-esteem, pride, and a purpose in life. Many of the people at CSS would be sitting in institutions literally doing nothing, if they were not provided a work opportunity and a chance at a better life. 20.3 million Americans with severe disabilities are unemployed. Make no mistake about it, the disability community is in a crisis right now, but there is a very clear solution.

If employers across the US are looking for cost-effective, skilled and unskilled labor, they need to do this country a favor and hire Americans with severe disabilities. It will not only provide them with a federal tax credit, but it will enhance their image as diversity and empowerment leaders.

People with severe disabilities deserve a chance to be contributing members of their communities. Their work ethic, dedication, talents, and abilities will far surpass anyone on the payroll who is there legally or not.

Chesapeake Service System’s mission is two-fold. First, it is to provide meaningful work opportunities to people with mental retardation and other severe disabilities, enabling them to reach their full potential in a least restrictive environment that maximizes independence. Second, it is to advocate for changed perceptions and inclusion of people with mental retardation and other disabilities in the community so that the community sees their ability rather than the disability.