By: Kevin Tuma

Something funny is going on with the Immigration issue.

While hamhanded government minions have been oppressing pregnant mothers and silver-haired grannies in airports, the Feds have also simultaneously changed the US-Mexico border from a national barrier into a welcome mat. Willfully, and completely against the tide of public opinion, Uncle Sam has decided that there's no more need for the INS to do anything about illegal immigration--with the possible exception of making sure undocumented aliens get food and water and clean blankets to sleep on while they are violating the laws of our land. Mexican truck drivers are invited to visit and prowl our highways, and George W. Bush wants to not only give illegal aliens amnesty, but Social Security benefits as well. This is all occurring in the midst of an overpoliced, overregulated, increasingly regimented United States society. The stampede of human traffic into the US must not be impeded. And by the way, our empty, open borders represent a recent change of political policy. The southern border was not this unguarded under Clinton. Republican loyalists, blind as lemmings, do not realize this, of course, as they do not realize many things.


I recall a picturesque road trip my wife and I made to California in 1997. We were repeatedly slowed, stopped, and politely harassed all along the roads because we were driving through 'illegal alien country'. We were stopped in New Mexico, we were stopped in Arizona, we were stopped in California. We passed through road block checkpoints. We saw stealth planes (yes, the black military kind) swooping over the border country making surveillance runs. In roadside California, we saw Mexicans getting busted by the border patrol, red lights flashing, and saw the poor souls thrown up against a wall. It was all pretty intimidating to behold. There was a great deal of border patrolling going on five or six years ago. Somehow, since, it seems to have evaporated in the desert sun.

Last summer, I not only drove all around border country in West Texas without seeing any Federal badges, I actually set my feet in the silt of the Rio Grande river. By silt, I mean that the river is only five inches deep in many places. I tried to float a rental canoe down the scenic Santa Elena canyon, and found it impossible due to the shallow water, mud puddles, and rocks. In the trans-Pecos desert, the Rio Grande is more of a creek bed than a river. The popular conception of the Rio Grande as a wide body of water that requires a boat or courageous swimming to cross is only appropriate in the deep washes near the Gulf of Mexico. In West Texas, a four-year-old child could easily wade across the Rio Grande, and in many places he could do so without getting his Underoos wet. The river is only marginally a boundary because it makes a blue line on the map.

It is clear to anyone who is awake and alert that open border policy is not only a departure from traditional policy--it marks the implementation of a new agenda. What might that agendum be? It could be many things. It could be an attempt by the centrist, "compassionate conservative" GOP to establish some sort of political correctness. It could be an overture to American Big Business, by bringing in cheap slave labor to US companies that do not wish to move their operations overseas to China. It could be the result of under-the-table dealings between our Federal government and Mexico, of which the general public is uninformed. It could be an attempt, on the part of Republicans, to create a minority class "vote plantation" to counteract the Democrats' usage of the Race Card.

It could be a subtle combination of all these things, but if the Bush Administration is doing it--in the midst of a "War On Terror", no less--it is likely to be the implementation of a globalist, neo-fascist scheme intended to undermine the Constitution. There is no Presidential administration in history that has been more spook-ridden with characters straight out of 'Dr. Strangelove' than the George W. Bush administration. Bush is utterly subservient to the Rockefeller Wing of American politics, takes orders from throwbacks to the Iran-Contra era, and his servitude to their policies is transparently obvious.

The reason the globalists must have continuous, non-stop immigration, I believe, is guns. It's not about cheap labor---it's about firearms. The New World Order has to take away all our guns in order to dissolve US sovereignty and usher in a one world government, and I believe many recent administrative actions of the Executive Branch have been shaped toward that objective. The best ways to disarm the people are with (a) massive increases of Federal police power, and (b) political subterfuge.

The subterfuge includes altering the political landscape by means of altering the makeup of the US population. In order to understand the reason why this is needed, it's necessary to retell a little recent political history.

The post-Columbine rout of the gun control agenda drove home to the tyrants the fact that the current majority of Americans will not allow themselves to be disarmed. There is only so much that a docile, ignorant population will swallow. Gun control foundered, after years of relative success, essentially because word got out to the American people that there was an anti-gun lobby. Many of the successes of gun control groups in the past had been aided by a coddling, protective news media that blasted the NRA while pretending that anti-gun counterpart organizations did not exist. Because the NRA was the most powerful lobby in Washington politics, the Press framed its disdain for the NRA in terms of "the evil of lobbies". This naturally annoyed many citizens; it was a good gimmick. When Columbine happened, however, the anti-gun lobbies came out of the political closet and laid all their cards on the table. They thought they had reached their historic Window of Opportunity. They whipped up a media frenzy. They marched out Rosie O'Donnell on TV to call for abolition of all firearms. They concocted a "Million Mom March" assembled from various phony Leftist fringe elements..many of the so-called "moms" were actually childless, lesbian feminists! Unfortunately for the gun grabbers, the mask of the "evil of lobbies" issue fell away, and it began to sink into most Americans' heads that there were a bunch of liberal activists out there who wanted to take away their guns. In addition, the anti-gunners faced a newly revitalized and Internet-savvy gun rights movement, made up of dozens of stalwart Second Amendment activist groups--plus an exceedingly powerful NRA, under the leadership of Charlton Heston. The pro-gunners mopped up the floor with the anti-gun lobbyists. Talk radio hosts, universally Republican, collectively spit in their eyes as well. The post-Columbine gun frenzy died with a whimper, and gun control increasingly lost favor with the public in poll after poll.

Gun control has remained in that miserable state ever since--even during the recent "DC Sniper" murder spree, the anti-gun chatter fell on largely deaf ears. In Maryland, arguably the center of the anti-gun universe, a Fall 2002 poll showed that only 36 percent of the people believed there was a need for stronger gun laws, with 53 percent opposed. In most other regions of the US, gun control has been lucky to get 20% approval, and polls often run as high as 80% against. To put it simply, for the time being, gun control is dead in the water. And the elitist Republican Party, much to its own discomfort, is now wedded to the gun issue. Any obvious movement toward tighter gun laws may result in the GOP being ripped to shreds at the ballot box. It has also become increasingly obvious that declining crime rates nationwide are in direct correlation to an increase in civilian concealed weapons carry laws. Violent crime is declining because criminals don't want to be shot by law-abiding gun owners. The public is growing wise to this, even if the government and the news media will never openly admit it.

Never let it be said that globalist tyrants will fail to formulate a Plan B--an end run around public sentiment, aimed at injuring the Constitution. If there is one area in which the empire builders are tireless, it is in scheming new ways to dismantle our liberties. Foremost in their eyes is the obstacle of the Second Amendment. It is the lynchpin holding what freedoms we have left in place. If the Second Amendment goes, the people will be utterly subservient to the whims of the state. Guns are the big target. And it may be that they have worked out, and are implementing, a unique solution.

The solution may be to radically change the makeup of the American electorate. To outnumber existing Americans, especially whites, with millions of immigrants from countries that already have gun control. These immigrants, in turn, will receive Federal amnesty a few years later, and become voters. Enter La Reconquista.

Mexico has totalitarian gun control laws. This is something that is never mentioned in the popular media or the press releases of the gun control lobby. Sentences for possession of firearms in Mexico can be up to 30 years. In Mexico, you can be arrested for carrying around a box of pistol ammunition, and you can be thrown in prison for it. The population there is accustomed to being disarmed. Mexicans are also much more obedient to law enforcement than American whites and blacks. We are 'uppity' by comparison. We are spoiled. We are contentious. Mexicans are not. They are accustomed to being terrorized by rogue policemen who are little more than badge-wielding thugs.

The tyrants could gradually abolish US gun ownership using Mexican-Americans as a voting tool. To do so may take a few years, but not very long--especially in the numbers that they are pouring across our borders right now. The population of the US will soar, and the government will continue to arrogantly ignore complaints from the citizenry, calling anti-illegal alien talk "bigotry". In all likelihood, southwestern militia groups, who are trying to guard borders that the Feds won't, will be arrested and sent to jail. The fix is in.

What better ethnic group to flood the electorate with, than a people who have never known the right to keep and bear arms?

And what would we call the current state of affairs with gun laws in heavily Latino-populated California? It is oppressively, unconstitutionally, almost phobically, anti-gun rights. If there is a state that ends up confiscating guns door-to-door, that first state will be California. That is what happens when you blend the horrible legislative ideas of white liberal empire builders with voting blocks of misled Hispanics, who cannot understand why anyone would need to own a gun.

A popular motto is, 'as California goes, so goes the nation'. With the aid of open border policy, perhaps it will.

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