Will Indiana Follow Arizona's Lead in Immigration Arena?
by Jeff Neumeyer

July 29, 2010

FORT WAYNE, IN (Indiana's NewsCenter) --- Is it likely legislators in Indiana will try to copy Arizona by enacting a new law to crack down on illegals?

Considering all the headaches that Arizona is experiencing because of its immigration law, it’s a fair question to ask why would other states want to go down the same road.

Lawmakers or candidates in as many as 18 states say they want to push similar measures when their legislative sessions start back up in 2011.

One of the biggest reasons is that public opinion is still firmly behind getting tough on a growing problem for states across the country.

Dennis Burke, the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, says Wednesday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, striking down the toughest parts of Arizona's illegal immigration law, …â€