Sunday, August 26, 2007
Worcester must not offer sanctuary to illegals ... source=rss
Clive McFarlane’s column makes no sense (Telegram & Gazette, Aug. 13). Why should the city of Worcester condone illegal immigration?

What occurred in the New Bedford raid in March was no debacle. It was a federal agency doing what the law mandates that it perform, namely, arresting and deporting those who commit a crime when they enter this country in violation of our laws.

Immigrants are either legal or illegal. There’s no such thing as an undocumented or non-United-States citizen. They are criminals, illegally in our country.

If you or I, as American citizens, break the law, we are arrested, prosecuted and punished according to the law. People like Mr. McFarlane want to create a special group of people who will not get punished in accordance with the law. Come to America by violating our law and be rewarded, not punished. Come here illegally and we will educate you and your offspring, provide you with medical, economic and political opportunities just like American citizens.

We didn’t bust up families in New Bedford. The parents themselves did this by violating our laws. They are the ones responsible, not the American people.

At the front of the Worcester County Courthouse are the words, “Obedience to the law is liberty.â€