The most important word that you stated is...FRIEND.
It's not that I support Illegal Immigrants because I don't.
But, I have known Emelina for over 2 years and yes, she is my friend, and I will do what friends do, Support each other, through thick and thin, good times and bad.
Her kids have been growing up with my kids, they are close friends, and I don't believe that the kids care about race, color, or status, they just care about each other as friends do, maybe we can all learn a lesson from them.
Unless you are a true Native American, then I suggest that you track your family tree, and I'd be willing to bet that you too are an Immigrant as are probably 90+% of us here in this country. You can argue that yes, you are legal, so am I, born and raised, but you don't have to go back all that many years ago when people just came to this country and settled.
The world is a different place now with terrorism and crime rates like we never saw when I was growing up, so yes, securing our borders and protecting our children should be a priorty. I also don't want millions of Illegal Immigrants sucking up the resources of our country.
But the bottom line is, Emelina and her girls are close friends with me and my family, she is not a terrorist, just a hard working, single mom, trying to give her children a better life, worthy of my friendship, and I only hope that I am worthy of hers.