What's Next? The Immigration Infomercial?

Posted by Bobby Eberle
June 26, 2009 at 7:13 am

As if health care were not enough, Barack Obama is already talking about immigration reform. Fresh off more than an hour of exclusive airtime devoted to his health care plan, Obama says he wants a new immigration bill that he can sign this year or early next year.

video at the link http://www.gopusa.com/theloft/?p=1655

We have seen numerous attempts at immigration reform over the last several years. All have gone down in flames. Yet, the politicians keep pushing for amnesty despite the overwhelming opposition from the American people. Unemployment keeps going up. Jobs are tight. Yet Obama wants to make it harder for Americans to get those jobs. He blasts companies for sending jobs overseas, but wants to make it easier for workers from across the border. What kind of sense does that make?

As noted in The Hill, Obama is already talking about immigration. There are still many battles to be waged regarding Obama's health care proposals, but that's not stopping him from moving systematically through his left-wing agenda.

Following a meeting on Thursday with a select group of Republicans and Democrats, Obama said, "After all the demagoguery, we've got a responsible set of leaders who want to get things done."

A responsible set of leaders? In other words, he found a group who will do what he wants. Those opposed to his plans are called demagogues, but those who support the Obama way are called reasonable.

In a short blurb on FOXNews.com, the Associated Press reports that according to Obama, "any overhaul must focus on tightening borders and clarifying the status of the country's 12 million illegal immigrants."

Ok, first off, after years of paying lip service to border security, please forgive me if I'm skeptical about Obama's rhetoric. We passed bills in the previous administration to increase the number of Border Patrol Agents, and those positions went unfilled. And we are supposed to believe Obama wants tighter borders?

Secondly, that last part of the quote is a real doozy. Obama wants to "clarify" the status the country's 12 million illegal immigrants. If a person is an illegal immigrant, isn't the person's status quite clear? It sure seems clear to me. I guess "illegal" doesn't mean illegal to Obama.

Hopefully, this issue will not be voted on this year or early next year, and that there will be time enough to get some Republicans elected who are serious about this issue. National security, jobs, and the rule of law all come into play on this issue, and yet our so-called leaders in Washington are more concerned about politics than any of those things.
