By Conor Friedersdorf, Staff Writer

It's again time to give this column over to my readers.

Reader Patricia writes:

"The reason that the illegal aliens are breaking the law is to give their kids a better life than they have had. A better life that they can't get in their own country. For hundreds of years immigrants have come to America just for this reason.

"You say you worked hard for your family, well, these immigrants work harder for their families. They work at jobs that no one else would do, at the lowest pay, for longer hours.

"Not all of Mexico is corrupt! Just like in America there are good people and bad people. Immigrants don't come here to be on welfare.

"They come to work and be reunited with their families. Immigrant workers make up a large share of the U.S. labor force. In addition to the consumer spending of immigrant households, immigrants and their businesses contribute $162 billion in tax revenue to U.S. federal, state, and local governments.

"Latinos are a hard-working people. They don't want a handout, just a hand. The idea of building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is not going to solve the problem. Whatever happened to "love your neighbor as yourself?''

"Oh, by the way, my husband and I are the first in our families to graduate from a university and we are very proud to say that we paid for it ourselves -- no loans, no welfare -- just our sweat and hard work, and our own money.''

Frequent correspondent Gary writes about the politics of Republican immigration reform proposals:

"As much as anything else, this could lead to the breakup of the GOP as we have known it.

"The GOP leadership, mostly handpicked by Bush, has tried to triangulate this as follows: (a) they depend on evangelical Christians to provide the votes, (b) they get money from big corporate donors who like open borders, and (c) they've been courting Hispanic voters, operating on the assumption that open borders and quietly promoting official bilingualism will entice them to vote GOP.

"Evangelical Christians are not defined solely by opposition to abortion and gay marriage. Most are probably on the opposite side of the immigration issue from Bush and the party elite and would not be hesitant to ‘punish' their party if they think it's on the wrong track.

"The standard argument that is always put up in these cases, i.e. ‘the Democrats would be worse,' doesn't scare people the way it used to.''

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Reader Jaimito explains why he thinks Latino immigrants come to the United States:

"Remember people, we are here because it's YOU the US who keeps our countries from developing, or seeking any kind of enrichment. It's you who occupy our countries and build military bases. It's the U.S. who has throughout history supported oppressive governments to keep oppressing their people, and when the people have no choice but to leave they have nowhere else to go.''

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A Southern California teacher writes:

"After seeing all the students on walkouts, and the weekend march, I can't help but feel even more frustrated with our race, so to speak. Our race, because yes I am of Mexican descent, second generation, my father was from Mexico.

"Although my father came to this country illegally, back when he was only 17, before his death he managed to become legal by green card, work and retire in construction, take night classes to better himself, and speak better English than a lot of adults I know now. He eventually became a United States citizen before he passed.

"I know he would not appreciate some of the feelings I have about the proposed immigration laws, but he wasn't always out in the community to see the entire impact this population has created.

"As far as he knew these ‘people,' his people, were all very hard workers, and were only trying to better themselves, and take care of loved ones left behind in Mexico or whatever country they originated from.

"I can believe that most will work and work hard, but I also know that there are individuals that will not try so hard, but rather sit back and take advantage of all the U.S. has to offer, for themselves, their children, spouses and let's not forget, their aging parents.''

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Reader Ray writes:

"It just so happens that after reading your article, I went to the public opinion spot: the barbershop called Big W in Chino off Riverside Drive.

"Well, naturally the topic was immigration and demonstrations which have been on front page for last few days. The question came up: if these people want to be citizens why are they carrying the Mexican flag rather than the Old Glory representing the country they are in and want so much to join?

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