Look at this article from India!

Worried about amnesty to illegal immigrants, guest workers and outsourcing? Wait till you know what happens in American Engineering Graduate Schools
Harish Baliga
Jun. 9, 2007

You have seen the true nature of American politicians. They were eager to provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. It did not matter if these were thugs, felons, and terrorists. All that mattered was to make sure the cheap labor supply for the cash rich businesses is intact to push for American hard working people to the edge.

The rich Corporations feed these politicians. The fat political contributions decide the fate of common hardworking Americans. It is easy to brainwash American people with some distractive ads in the TV and win the election with the same money they received from these large corporations.

These politicians want to send millions of American jobs to India and China in the name of globalization and outsourcing. They could do nothing to force the Chinese to revalue their currency. They want to import H1B intellectual slave labor to America to depress the salaries and remunerations of millions of hardworking Americans. They want to increase immigration to America so that American corporations can have permanent access to cheap labor forever.

But wait till you hear what happens in American Graduate Engineering Schools – especially in those funded by the state governments and the federal money. They regularly discriminate against the American citizens at the graduate level (MS and PhD). They import graduate students in hundreds of thousands and pay them stipends to live and learn American technologies. These students never pay a penny for tuition. Many of them return to China to make Chinese military stronger.

What is really bothersome is the fact these engineering graduate schools regularly discriminate against American citizens in America. If an American engineering professional tries to improve his or her skills at the graduate level, they are asked to take Graduate Record Exam. This exam has quantitative and verbal sections. The mathematics is based on tenth grade standard or less. It has nothing to do about engineering or science. They expect a score of 700 or above in quantitative section. They do not put any qualifying criteria on verbal score because if they do, the Chinese students will never be allowed in the school. Students in China do not know English very well. If you are an American engineering professional above thirty, you will have difficulty in scoring above 700 in quantitative part of the GRE. It is because GRE exam measures your agility not depth of understanding. It is a simple filter for propagating age discrimination against American engineering professionals.

The Graduate Directors in the Engineering schools are powerful. They are the bosses. The foreign students try to please them all the time. They are afraid all the time of losing their assistantships (stipend) and free tuition. If they cannot register for nine credits (three courses) they are out of status and can be deported from United States.

While politicians talk a lot about globalization and equal opportunity for the rest of the world, the American engineering graduate studies regularly discriminate against the Americans in America.

Before bringing in foreign talents in America in the name of H1B, it is needed that American universities especially those funded by the States try to help and retrain American engineers, technologists and scientists. Instead what happens is a shame. The professors in these schools, after receiving tenure stop performing research. If you look at their research publications, you will find that after receiving PhD and getting hired as a junior professor, they published quite few research articles. But after receiving tenure (permanent status) they essentially start using these foreign students as intellectual slaves to get ‘research’ done. That is the reason they do not want American engineering professionals in their corridor. If you know too much, if you are matured and do not depend on their stipend, you will question their worthlessness and laziness.

They have created a ‘Great Wall of China’ against American matured engineering professionals to enjoy their kingdom. In the mean time American businesses pay the tax money to feed these schools. Guess who works hard for these American businesses that pay the tax to the state and the Federal Government? They are the discriminated hardworking American engineering professionals.
