Way to go Bellair Village WV!

Illegal Immigrants A Local Issue, Too

By the News-Register

Bellaire Village Council members may be on to something — in regard to the nation’s problem with illegal immigrants.

Council voted recently to adopt an ordinance making it illegal for any individual or business in the village to employ workers who lack documents allowing them to work in the United States. In other words, council members are taking local action against those who encourage illegal immigrants to come here, and then provide them with jobs.

At first glance, the measure may appear to be no more than Bellaire officials jumping on the bandwagon regarding illegal immigrants. It also may appear to be unnecessary duplication of state and federal laws concerning those who employ illegal immigrants.

Perhaps it is more than that.

The federal government has demonstrated persuasively that it cannot or will not enforce laws intended to curb illegal immigration. State officials, while probably more serious about the matter, have limited resources to enforce such rules.

But it is a different story at the local level. Officials in Bellaire and other villages, towns and cities are more likely to hear about situations in which illegal immigrants are at work. In the case of Bellaire, village officials have a concrete financial incentive not just to look the other way when they hear of such situations: Included in council’s ordinance is a provision that anyone caught violating the provision can be fined as much as $500. Jail terms of as much as six months also can be employed.

And the fine is $500 for each day of each offense. In other words, an employer caught with undocumented workers who had been on the job for a few weeks could find himself shelling out thousands of dollars — and paying it straight into the village treasury.

Clearly, illegal immigration is an issue that needs to be dealt with effectively by Congress and the president. However, actions such as those being taken by Bellaire council may be helpful. We encourage officials in other Ohio Valley municipalities to consider similar action.

Section: Editorials Posted: 6/15/2007

http://www.theintelligencer.net/editori ... leID=20756