Are You Ready for a ‘Violent Illegal Alien Criminal Empowerment Act’?
Peter Gadiel

I’ve recently written two columns in FSM illustrating that the tide of battle has shifted against those who support illegal immigration and open borders. In October I described how, through their increasingly violent behavior and falsehoods, the members of the Open Borders Lobby (OBL) are revealing that they themselves recognize this fact. In November I wrote of the latest of this year’s string of major victories over the OBL: New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s humiliating defeat of his scheme to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

Since the publication of those columns there have been additional developments which confirm the themes of these columns but which simultaneously provide warning that the war is far from over.

The inability of Gov. Spitzer to implement his illegal alien licensing plan was a critical defeat for the OBL. It was a certainty that whichever side won, there would be significant impact on other states. If the open borders extremists had succeeded in New York many other states would have fallen, but because national security concerns carried the day, the influence has instead been beneficial.

The pro-illegal immigration extremists understand the importance of what occurred. On November 16, the day after Spitzer surrendered, the Putnam (NY) Journal-News quoted Robin Bikkal, immigration attorney and illegal alien profiteer, admitting: “It's very painful. It's a disaster. The thing is, I think we could have been leaders in this whole process. Now I think everybody's going to be just dug into their positions." Translation: “Had Spitzer succeeded in implementing his scheme, many other states would soon be licensing illegal aliens; instead the movement to expand the licensing of illegals to other states is all but dead.â€