Your Choice: The Ted Cruz or the Marco Rubio Immigration Plan?

by Brian Kelly on July 19, 2013

“Your Choice: The Ted Cruz or the Marco Rubio Immigration Plan?” is chapter 2 of No Amnesty! No Way!, a newly-released book by Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here.The views represented are the author’s own.

The Horse’s Mouth

Sorry, Ted Cruz is not one of the gang of eight. He has more sense than the RINO Republicans who think it is OK to hit the PAUSE button on their supposed conservative values.

When you want to get the truth about immigration reform plans brought forth by Republicans and Democrats,

you need to remember just one thing in order to get good information. Neither Democrats nor Republicans can be trusted.

Both parties want illegal foreign nationals to take either your job or your vote or both. Your being jobless and getting a bad government in the process is simply the luck of the draw. Too bad for you!

According to the corrupt lobbyist consultants such as those who prompted the Romney candidacy, and the misguided election; keeping illegal foreign nationals in the shadows cost the Republicans the Presidency. These guys with Democratic surnames now want the Republicans to turn America over to Hispanics or Latinos to show that Republicans love them.

There is no concern about the Irish who have broken through the immigration barrier? What about the Chinese? The biggest threat to the continuance of the Republican Party is a bunch of well-paid consultants who collect regardless of their continually poor election results.

As a regular American, I would advise the Republicans to fire the consultants while the people get to fire all of the representatives in Congress, the Senate, as well as the President. Lieutenant Kojak would ask, “Who loves you baby,” and the answer for Americans unfortunately would be: none of the above.

Republican sponsors for immigration “reform” clearly favor big businesses who want very much to continue to save dollars in salaries. Keeping illegal foreign nationals in the shadows costs the Democratic sponsors the opportunity to be reelected for eternity with an ill educated new minority, who, like the rest of the US welfare crowd, will vote with their stomachs rather than their minds.

Though we elect 100 Senators and 435 Representatives at our local polling places, often, even before they win, they have decided to betray US for their own benefit. Can you imagine how little incumbents care for the people when newbie’s in the circle are ready to hand us disdain rather than results? In the current debate over the gang of eight tyrants’ plan, the Senators pretend that they do not seem to know that 22 million Americans who want a full-time job cannot get one. Can it be that they just do not care?

I do not believe that any regular American wants to be dependent on the government. Yet, making the decision to take or not take from Uncle Sam is pretty easy. If there is something you can get, more and more Americans are choosing to take rather than try to find work. Since President Obama does not want Americans working if the government can feed them, he gains the allegiance of those who eventually need government, or think that they need government, in order to survive.

Unfortunately, as the thinking know, the takers on the government dole are short changing their children in that their kids no longer think that succeeding means anything. So, they too, instead of reaching for the moon are subjugated into looking into other people’s garbage cans for a lifetime supply of sustenance. Nobody, other than the Marxists posing as Democrats; or the new Anti-American Party want this to happen.

Ideally, they want illegal foreign nationals to be made citizens since in the lifetimes of the current politicians; they will not get grabby and expect much from the government, though it promises the moon as well as blue and green cheese—even some from Denmark. We all know that over time, the moon as promised smells a lot like rancid, stinky cheese.

Why is it that George Soros on the left and the Koch brothers on the right—along with Facebook’s Zuckerberg on the left and with FOX’s Rupert Murdoch on the left/right, there are large numbers of billionaires willing to pour their American sweat-stained resources into adding as many as 33 million more immigrant work permits, according to Numbers USA. It is simple. The rich and powerful in both parties have a lot to gain by labor arbitrage, and the sinking opportunity for regular Americans.

Labor Arbitrage is a mechanism that permits companies to use the global marketplace to reduce the cost of labor to levels under which normal people cannot subsist. Some think of this as neo-slavery, and far from being solved by Teddy Roosevelt with the Robber Barons it is making a triumphant return with globalism as well as illegal immigration. The richest Republicans, rather than reaching out to help the neediest, are ready to screw them / US out of our last penny to help them reach the next billionaire’s plateau. How can they live with themselves?

If human beings were not involved, who would care? Right now our leaders in the US Congress, and our President do not care since they are set for life. Only the regular people care. Businesses like to operate on simple economic concepts of supply-and-demand and this would be OK if people were not involved.

Those watching from afar and those of us close up are beginning to believe that the U.S. will not recover from its current economic depression and that widespread poverty will become “the new normal,” as the nation transforms itself into an overpopulated third world country with smells of feces and urine across American streets.

Soon, instead of having an American dream, our mantra will be “Is that all there is!” Will there be an “American Economic Holocaust?” Think about it before you answer. Are the people still in control? Try to get elected for any national office today and then ask yourself that question.

What happens when the unemployment checks run out and when heavily-indebted college graduates can no longer pay their student loans (which, of course, our kind Congress decided cannot be discharged by bankruptcy? I’ll tell you what will happen to Americans. Americans will go to the poor house, and those left alive with any smarts will create a revolution that is not faux. In the sixties our revolutions were all faux, though as Bill Ayers knows, people died nonetheless.

Now, if we as Americans, either on the take or giving more than we should in taxes, permit Chuck Schumer and Marco Rubio to dictate what happens to illegal foreign nationals, get ready to lick the boots of privileged foreigners for the rest of our lives. Will Americans stand for it, or will we be looking for Bill Ayers look-alikes to guide us through a revival?

Americans will be dreaming of the good old days when there actually was an American dream. This generation seems ready to pull the plug on any opportunity their children ever might have had to be successful. Maybe they do not realize they are hurting their offspring. But, who can tell?

George Soros and his buddies the Koch brothers, Mark Zuckerberg, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, and the late Steven Jobs did not care and do not care what happens to common-folk. There is no help coming for the big money people from the left or the right. The big money people are against US. Check it out!

We have to fight their billions of dollars with our hundreds of thousands of petitions and our hearts. Believe it or not, our petitions can be more powerful as long as elections continue to be free and representatives at least have to go through the motions of pleasing their constituencies.

Numbers USA and the Center for American Studies are two organizations that are betting that the people can beat the billionaires and the anti-American Party, despite their propaganda. Whose side do you want to be on?

Whether you are a Democrat, an Independent, or a Republican, do you want government to provide your every need or do you want your family, and the families of your children to have a shot at the smash mouth success that Americans get when they achieve the American Dream?

Being beholden to government is clearly neo-slavery thought he first generation, sick of working for a living, might find it OK. Then, they commit their children and their legacy to chains for eternity. Government is not a kind slave master. The fact is that the things most of us hold most dear about America cannot withstand the crush of tens of millions citizens of other countries added to the labor markets, public services, infrastructures, roads and public spaces in the near future.

Since Soros, Zuckerberg, the Koch Bros., Murdoch, and Bill Gates are not about to join our regular side, since they are each fighting to become the world’s first trillionaire, only the massive voices of we the people ourselves, all the John Q’s that exist, can stop this poor excuse for legislation from ever becoming law. It is literally up to US!

Best Senator on Immigration?

Ted Cruz is my guy on the illegal immigration issue as well as reform. As third generation Irish, I am close enough to know what immigration means as my ancestors spoke it to me. Just like Ted Cruz, I am not looking for special favors for those from my ancestral heritage and I think that is why Marco Rubio has lost favor with regular Americans.

By the way, my definition of regular Americans is “those citizens who believe they are regular Americans and subject to the laws of America.”

The laws of course include the Constitution but are not limited to this all-important founding document. Anybody who believes they are a regular American as I see it is a regular American.

Ted Cruz thinks like US. He is a regular American but he actually made it to Senator. “The last thing this country needs right now is another 1,000-plus page bill that, like Obamacare, was negotiated behind closed doors with special interests…We want immigration reform to pass, but only if it actually fixes the broken system, rather than allowing the problems to grow and faster.”

Ted Cruz is not loved by the Marxist politicians in the Democratic Party in Washington. They think they have to suck up to Hispanics and Latinos or the ethnicity du jour or else they are racists.

For example, Governor Richardson from New Mexico, a noted Hispanic politician and advocate of all causes Spanish, has “Xed” out Ted Cruz as a valid Hispanic, simply because he is not a liberal. Richardson of course, claims the coveted Hispanic label, but chooses not to give it to Cruz because, unlike the Governor of New Mexico, a suck-up politician on any issue that can help him politically IMHO, Cruz has real principles. Since when did ideology determine ethnicity? Shame on Governor Richardson!

Richardson is not the only one who would like to eliminate Ted Cruz as a spokesman for those of neo-Spanish heritage. We do live in a world of litmus politics. Consequently, Cruz is being scrutinized especially for his stance on immigration. As a true Hispanic / Latino, he must be in favor of amnesty, or a “path to citizenship,” or he cannot be considered a Hispanic or Latino, according to the Richardson’s view on the left. I beg to differ. I am Irish, and Cruz is what he is simply because it is so. I love America and Ireland but America is # 1 for me. Get your priorities straight, Mr. Governor!

Not Everybody Likes Good People

The biased writer of an article that I used to check out countervailing thoughts and opinions on Ted Cruz was trying hard to be fair to the Senator but was compelled to offer her liberal thoughts on the issue as a throw-away to her article.

She said: “For the record, I personally favor such a path (citizenship for illegals). Realistically, I see no humane way to export 11?million souls, many of whom, not incidentally, constitute a significant wedge of our economic pie. Get rid of farm laborers only if you prefer a $5 orange.” I find it amazing that an opinionist posing as a literary thinks she might be the person I would call in to examine economic theory or the cost of oranges using American workers. It won’t happen.

The facts are the facts. Ted Cruz is a real conservative. He is a former law professor and solicitor general of Texas with deep qualms about pretending that laws don’t matter. He is not anti-immigrant, though Governor Richardson might peg him as such. He simply does not want to give special status to people who came here without permission.

That places him squarely in the path of a fellow Cuban-American, Marco Rubio. Rubio abandoned the conservative movement to join the gang of eight tyrants, and is now a pawn of the Democratic Party leaders fighting to turn America into a third-world state.

I have never met Ted Cruz but right now at least he is the number one Senator from my perspective. He offered a number of amendments to the gang of eight tyrants’ bill to make it better for Americans. Marco Rubio buys the Senate bill lock, stock and barrel, even though it will make life more miserable for illegal foreign nationals and it will make life more difficult for Americans to make a living.

Because Cruz represents the people and not the illegal foreign nationals or the politicians, Harry Reid chooses not to like him. In fact, it would be safe to say that the Marxist Reid hates Cruz because he is not a taker and he expects that good things come from hard work. Cruz has not upset me at all yet, and in fact, he is to Hispanics as I would be to the Irish. Soon, I may have to compare this fine Senator to the founders. I am already quite impressed and few Senators deserve being the descendents of the founders since they do not represent the people of the US. Cruz does.

If Ted Cruz were to endorse any plan for immigration reform, I think it would be the plan which I euphemistically call the Kelly Plan. Later in this book, we look at the Kelly Plan in detail You’r going to like it. Right now, we will discuss the plan on the table in the Senate and a long time favorite of conservatives in the Senate has taken on an anti-American immigration posture.

Is the Kelly Plan a Warmed Over Marco Rubio Plan?

No! Any Questions?

Marco Rubio, as a Cuban, a theoretically preferred person of original Spanish descent, is a fine man. I see that in him as do many other Americans who do not look at ethnicity as a plus or an impediment in one’s life. Ironically, as a Cuban, since Cubans have always had preference over all others of Spanish origin for immigration purposes after the Castro takeover, many of Spanish descent find Cubans as not representative of their heritage.

Latinos and Hispanics theoretically at least must work harder to gain citizenship in the US. Ted Cruz suffers the same notion but Governor Richardson forgives Rubio since he spouts the Marxist philosophy on immigration in the same fashion as the “esteemed” Governor of New Mexico.

Ironically, Cubans surely know how to speak the Spanish language, and they become fine Americans. In my opinion, this is one rap the Cubans do not need. I cheer for Cubans who made it through Castro. When he lived in New Jersey, my brother Ed had a great friend named Bennie, a Cuban refugee, whose company made American flags.

Ed brought Bennie home when I was an adolescent teenager one weekend. Both had been working there for just a short time. It was before my older brother was even twenty years old. Bennie was a lovable guy and he brought us a new flag with the right # of stars as a house gift. Thanks Ed. Thanks Bennie. Cubans did not have it so easy.

If you have ever heard Marco Rubio speak about a plan that is called the gang of eight immigration reform bill, you would think it is a great idea for Americans. Yet, it is not a good plan, and most Americans see through it and Rubio has shot down in the Florida polls like a rocket ship. The bill is so lousy I call it the gang of eight tyrants’ plan. I liked Rubio as a potential presidential candidate until he signed up for this plan and I admire Cruz for putting it where it belongs in the rational thought process for Americans. Cruz thinks the plan stinks.

Rubio believes that his Marxist plan will change substantially during implementation so that it pleases all conservative Americans. As much as I once liked the Senator, I think he hitched his wagon to the wrong horse. When Chuck Schumer is for what you are for, if you are a real conservative and not a suck-up, then you better do a lot more investigating before you put your feet into the concrete.

Rubio has become the spokesman of the Democrats and the RINOs on the subject of immigration reform. Marco Rubio says emphatically in ads that most of us have seen or heard that “What we have now is de facto amnesty.” Nobody wants that for sure. The Senator goes on:
“No food stamps, no welfare, no ObamaCare.” Rubio continues a reference to the provisions of a bipartisan immigration plan the Florida Republican helped author. “It’s not ideal, but it’s tough, it’s fair, and it’s enforceable.”

Senators such as Rand Paul and Marco Rubio had typically been given the approval of conservatives. But that was before they spoke on US immigration policy. Rand Paul has no problem with illegal foreign nationals taking American jobs—as long as nobody takes his job, while Marco Rubio thinks that Democrats are OK guys and he believes they want what is best for the country. If that were the case, Rubio would not be in the Senate, a Democrat would be representing Florida.

Rubio has come to believe that Democrats can be trusted. I am a Democrat and I know that over the last thirty years since Reagan’s time, Democrats have realigned the Party for the benefit of the legacy of Karl Marx. Moreover, the Party has begun to stink as much as the bottom of the never washed hairs in Marx’s beard. Marx, as many historians know, chose not to regularly bathe or wash as it interfered with his thinking. His presence in the room more than likely interfered with the thinking of many others.

Right now Mr. Rubio is on the wrong side of an America v foreign national’s debate. I am for Americans. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio have lined up for the foreign team. Paul and Rubio should simply find a country that does not admire loyalty. There is still hope for Rubio. But, just like my Senator Toomey on gun registrations, and on aspects of the gang of eight bill, Rubio’s stance on placing the rights of illegal aliens ahead of the rights of Americans if continued, will make him unelectable as a presidential candidate.

Conservatives are being duped on immigration and other major issues because as a rule we believe people when they speak. Democrats trust nobody because they are not trustworthy themselves. I find it personally disgusting that a faux conservative group known as the American Action Network has been using a $300,000 ad campaign to pimp Marco Rubio and his new amnesty mantra. They are not conservatives. They chose to ignore Ted Cruz and his pro-American logic because Cruz actually represents regular Americans on the issues.

This fraudulent conservative group decided to bank on all Americans being low information voters. As a bigger insult for conservatives, with their faux conservative ad that advocates the gang of eight tyrants’ immigration reform package, they now count on conservatives to simply take their word and follow them to the slaughter like sheeple. They believe that illegal foreign nationals need more rights in America than Americans.

Another faux conservative group called Americans for a Conservative Direction, a front organization for liberal billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook magnate, has also put up several million dollars for radio ads, hoping to get Rubio’s RINO, un-American message across, thinking he can snooker conservatives into buying the rubbish.

Both faux conservative groups claim that their intention in backing the proposal from the gang of eight tyrants is to “end de facto amnesty.”

Wow! What a shot in the face to Americans. Why not just enforce the laws? Having a Senator and conservative groups say we need to create new laws because they refuse to enforce the existing laws does not make too much sense. De facto amnesty means the Senate, the House and the President are not doing their jobs.

The very legislators who choose to permit the President to decide which immigration laws he will enforce and which ones he will not enforce, though he is constitutionally bound to enforce all laws, now ask Americans to permanently OK his dereliction of duty.

These dirty politicians want US to absolve them of all wrong in creating what they call the de-facto amnesty, and reward those people who break our laws. They actually think that by flashing their middle fingers at America, these people should be rewarded with citizenship. I don’t think so! Anybody who wants to come to America should come legally and as a sovereign country we get to set the rules, not a foreign government. Nobody is interested in foreigners coming in at will, gaining the right to vote, and outvoting Americans at the polls while they take our jobs.

Tell House Members: Secure the Borders First, Ignore Gang of Eight! Sign the petition.

Tagged as: brian kelly, immigration, immigration reform, marco rubio, ted cruz

About Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kelly ran for Congress and for the US Senate in his state and believes limited government brings liberty and freedom. Check his books out at

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