YOUR VIEW: Illegal immigrants burden U.S. financially

Mr. Pittsley lives in Freetown.
May 10, 2008 6:00 AM

I read an article a few years ago that said every man, woman and child in the United States uses about 2 gallons of oil every day. I read an article last year that said there were more than 12 million illegal aliens in the United States, so if you if you have 12 million people using 2 gallons of oil every day, that's 24 million gallons of oil, every day, 365 days a year, being used by people who aren't supposed to be in this country in the first place.

In one town in Massachusetts, a $350,000 house doesn't pay enough property taxes to send a child to school for one-quarter of a year. The average cost to send one child to school for the year in Berkley is about $20,000, according to the state Department of Education online profiles. And yet we have thousands of children in our schools whose parents, being illegal, pay no taxes at all.

If a friend or relative of mine broke into someone's home and I helped them, I would be arrested and thrown in jail for aiding and abetting. If I lied and used a false ID to get on welfare, I would be arrested for welfare fraud. Yet every year thousands of people break into the home of every taxpaying American citizen! And that home is the United States. And what do they get for doing this? Free food, free health care, free driver's licences and free schooling.

And I know they are not paying taxes for these things because we know they're here illegally. Anybody who hired or collected taxes from them would be an accomplice to a crime. Our health care system, school system, welfare system, legal system and tax system have all adopted the "don't ask, don't tell" system.

I don't want to see anybody be cold, hungry or not be able to get medical help when they need it. But this year I saw friends, relatives and elderly go cold and hungry and not be able afford their medication. And some are losing homes that are already paid for because of overtaxation.

If this is trickle-down economics, it's turned into trickle-up poverty.

People who already own their homes are in danger of losing them because of the burden this immigration problem is putting on our schools, police, courts, cities, towns and resources.

This whole mess is caused by the failure of our elected officials to do their jobs and uphold the immigration laws. Now we the American taxpayer is forced to foot the bill for it.

Sounds like a good one to send to old Teddy and the CIR gang.