By: MSNBC | NBC17.com
Published: January 09, 2012

Americans will vote for the president of the United States on Nov. 6. President Barack Obama is seeking a second term, but faces competition from six Republican candidates. Americans will be looking at how each candidate stands on topics like jobs and abortion.

MSNBC.com has provided a breakdown of where the 2012 presidential candidates stand on a selection of issues.


Obama: Supports abortion rights.

Huntsman: Supports a "right to life" amendment to the U.S. constitution.

Paul: Would try to "effectively repeal" the Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade. Would attempt to pass legislation defining life as beginning at conception.

Romney: Opposes abortion rights and has pledged to appoint jurists who share a similar view.

Gingrich: Opposes abortion rights and would seek to defund Planned Parenthood.

Perry:Opposes abortion rights.

Santorum: Opposes abortion rights even in the case of rape.


Obama: The president has proposed the $47 billion “American Jobs Act,” which failed in congress. Congress is now trying to approve elements of the package piece-by-piece.

Huntsman: Jobs plan relies on a series of tax reforms and cuts, expanded free trade, regulatory reform and increased domestic energy exploration.

Paul; Has called for cuts in spending, taxes and reforms.

Romney: His plan focuses on a series of reforms to taxes, energy, trade, regulatory and labor policies to help boost job creation. Read more on Romney’s Jobs Plan here: (http://mittromney.com/blogs/mitts-vi...conomic-growth)

Gingrich: Jobs plan relies on tax reforms and repeal of President Obama’s health care and Wall Street reforms. Read more on Gingrich’s Jobs Plan here: (http://www.newt.org/solutions/jobs-economy)

Perry: Jobs Plan includes an increase in oil and gas exploration which would create 1.2 million jobs, according to his campaign. Would propose a flat tax.

Santorum: Jobs Plan focuses on a restructuring of tax rates, cuts to government spending and allowing increased domestic energy production.


Obama: Proposed a plan in September that would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over the next ten years. Cut discretionary spending and entitlement programs. Save money from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Increase taxes on wealthiest households.

Huntsman: Favors balancing the budget and cutting debt but has not stated how.

Paul: Would cut $1 trillion by eliminating five cabinet agencies and eliminate 10 percent of the federal workforce.

Romney: Would seek an immediate cut in non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent. Would cap government spending to 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product.

Gingrich: Pledged to balance the budget through unspecified spending cuts, entitlement reforms.

Perry: Would push to cut spending. Favors a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

Santorum: Believes the size of the federal government should match 18 percent of gross domestic product.

Health Care Reform:

Obama: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It seeks to limit the growth of health care costs and create an exchange for individuals to pick a health insurance plan. It requires individuals to have insurance, and guarantees coverage to every American despite pre-existing conditions.

Huntsman: Would seek the repeal of President Obama’s health care law.

Paul: Supports a repeal of President Obama’s health care reform law. Favors the purchase of health insurance across state lines.

Romney: Supports the repeal of President Obama’s health care reform law.

Gingrich: Supports a repeal of President Obama’s health care reform law and would replace it with a series of his own reforms. Supports extended health savings accounts and making health insurance more portable across state lines.

Perry: Supports the repeal of President Obama’s health care reform law. Raise eligibility for Medicare benefits.

Santorum: Would repeal President Obama's health care law, and would seek to do so using the budget reconciliation process.

Same Sex Marriage:

Obama- Opposes same-sex marriage, but says opinion is "evolving."

Huntsman: favors civil unions for same-sex couples. Opposes same-sex marriage.

Paul: Believes marriage should be between one man and one woman.

Romney:- Believes marriage should be between one man and one woman.

Gingrich: has called same-sex marriage "a temporary aberration that will dissipate."

Perry: supports a ban on same-sex marriage

Santorum: Opposes same-sex marriage and supports a ban.


Obama: Pushed unsuccessfully for the DREAM Act, which provides a conditional pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who were bought to the U.S. as children. He has indicated support for a plan that would offer illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they go through a process in which they learn English, pay a penalty, and undergo the traditional citizenship process.

Huntsman: Said he wants to complete a fence along the border between U.S. and Mexico before discussing solutions to the illegal immigrants currently in the U.S.

Paul: Has called for securing the border with Mexico, but opposes a border fence between the two nations. He opposes amnesty and the provision of benefits for illegal immigrants.

Romney: Opposes in-state college tuition for the children of illegal immigrants, and supports building a fence along the border with Mexico, staffed by enough armed guards to secure it.

Gingrich: Has pledged to secure the border by Jan. 1, 2014 and establish English as the official language of the U.S. He would also reform the legal visa system, and make it easier to deport criminals.

Perry: Signed and has defended a Texas law granting in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants. He opposes a border fence, and would defend the border with Mexico by using predator drones and troops on the ground.

Santorum: Opposes in-state college tuition for the children of illegal immigrants, and favors making English the official language of the U.S., along with building a fence along the border between the U.S. and Mexico.
