Zap Conservative Talk Radio? Then Close
Grant Wank
June 28, 2007 12:00 PM EST

Liberals are playing dictator.

It’s like the old Communism. It’s like Iran. It’s like China. It’s like taking away our freedom of speech.

They are out to squelch freedom of religious expression. Now they are out to undo every
conservative verbiage, regardless of substance.

If the liberals win, they will have closed out democracy, closed down traditional America, fixed
into cement a totalitarian state, the very institution they were elected to keep far at bay.

These democratically elected officials will want to take away our voting rights as well as our mouthpieces.

If these liberal lunatics win with their shut down of conservative talk radio, there will be NO talk radio left in the United States of America.

Liberals tried their hand at talk radio. They failed publicly and miserably.

Liberals cannot set up talk radio shop for no one will listen, no one will respond. So if the conservative talk radio is put in mothballs there will be nothing worth listening to on radio but white noise.

We have once again in liberal governmental seats those who have lost their patriotism as well as every semblance of sanity, civility and decency.

These persons should be exposed immediacy then deported ASAP.