"Teacher Ron Gochez Advises Kids Against Police "

May 14, 2010 β€” Remember Ron Gochez, the now infamous Marxist L.A. teacher for his rabid Anti-American speech at 2007 UCLA rally
(video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5...

Here is another video of Ron Gochez on July 9, 2007 at a hearing investigating alleged police brutality at the 2007 May Day Protest in California.

He introduces himself: "My name is Ron Gochez. I'm here on behalf of Union del Barrio, Mexican Revolutionary Organization in the occupied territories of Mexico."

Mr. Gochez ends his diatribe with a message to the youth: "And for the youth...The police will never listen to us. They will never be our friends. Never had. They never will. They are here to serve and protect the interest of the rich. They always had, they always will. We have to organize our communities and that's the only way we will defend our human rights."
