Geraldo Endorses McCain: He says 'Any Spanish person who votes for an anti-immigration extremist is an 'Uncle Tom' [Video]

By Digger

Well it's par for the course with Geraldo Rivera, but today in discussing his endorsement of John McCain he said these exact words "Any Spanish person who votes for an anti-immigration extremist is an Uncle Tom". Geraldo started his discussion by saying that McCain leading in the Republican primary is direct result of Americans rejecting the "extremist" position on immigration, like my own, of actually enforcing the law. Who's anti-immigration anyway? Try anti-illegal maybe?

He points to Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter dropping out of the race as a rebuke of their immigrations stance. He points to Lou Dobbs, Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh as the extremists who have now been beaten.

Going on, he points out that "extremists" are the far right wing of the party and reiterated that it has been rejected.

Of course I would like to point out that I am far from the "far right wing" in this country, but of course people like Geraldo are just following the playbook of people like the Southern Poverty "Law" Center, La Raza and Juan Hernandez in slandering anyone opposed to massive illegal immigration as racists.

Enough talk on this guy, you can listen below.

(Video below)
