Video of Jeb's campaign ad:

Tom Tancredo is once again under fire for stating the obvious. This weekend our founding chairman told a group of conservatives that ``You would never know you're in the United States of America. You would certainly say you're in a Third World country.'' This should not be a controversial statement. In fact many of Miami residents like to brag that the city is the capital of Latin America.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush was offended by his truthfulness and Tancredo's statement "insulting" and "naive" and went on to extol Miami as "ethnically diverse" and "All American city" with top schools with no ethnic enclaves devoid of English.

Here are excerpts of Tom's response.

Dear Governor Bush,

I certainly understand and appreciate your need and desire to create the illusion of Miami as a multiethnic “all American” city. I can also appreciate that Miami’s schools graduate many outstanding students and that the cultural and ethnic diversity of the city offers many advantages to its residents. However it is neither naïve nor insulting to call attention to a real problem that cannot be easily dismissed by politically correct happy talk...

The tolerance of cultural diversity in a city or a nation is admirable up to appoint, but when diversity is worshipped to the detriment of assimilation, it becomes a serious problem that undermines the civic culture that forms the basis for our democratic institutions and the rule of law...As elected officials, we should encourage the discussion of this issue rather than castigate those who attempt to bring it to light.

Full Text of Tom's Letter to Governor Bush:

One way that Florida is looking like a Third World country with Enclaves devoid of any English is Jeb Bush’s campaign commercials. In 2002, Governor Bush ran an ad that started off by showing seven Latin American flags. Nowhere in the ad was an American flag, any mention of the United States (or even Los Estados Unidos,) or a word of English. Another way America is becoming more like a Third World country is how the establishment tries to silence brave voices of opposition like Rep. Tancredo.

As Miami is becoming indistinguishable from the Third World, if we do not secure our borders, the rest of America will soon become indistinguishable for America.