I appologize my beloved americans if my last post seemed radical. I just had to make the majority opinion of the civilized, non-criminal-legal-latin-american people be known. If it makes you feel any better, Chile, a country much less populated, much more educated(and like your country has been royally screwed by the gangsters of mexico) has now surpassed that evil, rich, plentiful in resources, country of mexico as having the best economy. I just came back from my vacation from Vina del mar. You know what is sad. Bush wants to let all these uneducated, racist., primative, hate mongers(who are unskilled) in this great countyr and give them a path to citizenship. Meanwhile, there are many educated latinos in south america(who unlike mexic and central american-DO NOT MAKE RACE AN ISSUE WHO IF GIVEN A CHANCE COULD BE AN ECONOMIC ASSET AND WOULD HAVE RESPECT FOR THE COUNTRY) that are doing it legally and we are now referred to as OTM'S(other than mexico) These illegal alien invaders hate whites, blacks, as well as other latin ethnicities. I also cant believe there is about to be a north american union with that includes the cronies of mexico. I tell you I love this country but I am will be going back to Chile if we become one country with Mexico. I did not study and work as hard as I have nor did I wait as long as I did to come just to see this great nation become part of mexico.