Please watch and you decide if we put these political fools on trial for Treason and Sedition.

Interesting. Steps are already underway for a National ID Card and if you think an implantable ID Chip (which contains all relavant personal data and can track one's location at any time regardless of where you are) sounds 'unfair' and impossible to implement, ask any elderly Jew who still has a tatoo on their arm if it's 'possible'. Does this seem so far fetched, or is it just being paranoid? Comments?

It has been said that a North American Union is being formed, melding US, Canada, and Mexico into one entity. Your thoughts?

Take a minute and watch this video below. Try to watch it before it's pulled from YouTube .

Our Politicians bow down to those that have Money... they work for "We the People" not corrupt entities that want to destroy our Constitution