MAY 20TH,2010

Felipe Calderon President of the most corrupt nation of the world and Obama the traitor meet to set the path for illegals to become legal residents of the United States. Obama and Calderon only concern is to pass an immigration reform so Mexicans be legal in our country, work here and be able to bring their family and be reunited and live here.
Obama is not concern about our future as a nation, our jobs, the impact in our communities, organize crime, prostitution, Human trafficking, kidnapping nor any thing that we are concern about or care about that is connected to this invasion of Mexicans into our country. Felipe Calderon was upset because Arizona want to enforce our immigration laws and stop the invasion of Mexicans illegal aliens. Calderon said that the Arizona law unfairly targets the illegal immigrants, that the Mexican illegals immigrants come here to work and make a contribution to our economic. Felipe Calderon do not mention that ten of millions Mexicans are leaving Mexico because for years the country has had massive problems and government corruption that deprive Mexicans of opportunities and that he is pro illegal immigration because Mexicans send home billions of Dollars every year and are helping the Mexican economic. I think that Mexico is a sovereign nation and it is Mexico responsibility to care for their people, not the responsibility of the American people; and Obama has not right to force this burden on the American people.
Obama affirm that the Arizona law is unconstitutional and claims that the law leads to racial profiling and is unconstitutional and in violation of the Mexicans human rights . like always he just talk without checking the facts and make statements that are not true.
Obama is in favor of an immigration reform, given Mexicans the legal right to be here, because Hispanics make up 14% of our country population and are an important political block. Hes plan is to push for this legislation in support of the illegal aliens, to strengthen his political position and power. Passing pro-illegal alien immigration laws and not enforcing immigration laws that exist help the far-left, who expect Hispanics to return the favor in elections. Not only is that partisan, it's abominable.

President Obama siding with Mexico to push an Immigration reform to give rights to criminals that no other nation on the face of the planet will do is treason. The will of the American people is voided by the acts of a system of government that is becoming dictatorship.
We Americans have only one choice, let this system of government know that we the people will determine the path of our country, we are a REPUBLICAN system of government, with a constitution, laws and values and that we will fight for our country. Our system of government worth to fight and died for.

Americans must get united and fight the system that will destroy our country.

Juan Reynoso