Oh, boy, Karl Denninger goes to town in this video, exposing Paulson, Kashkari and Congress for the frauds they are! I sent this video to my congresswoman and senators this morning.

Paulson, Kashkari & Congress -- All Frauds!

The Market Ticker
Saturday, November 15, 2008

A video is worth 10,000 words.

Funny how the truth comes out after The American People have been looted! Not only was Congress lied to, but Congress lied to us!

Told 'ya so - before the bill was passed - and now we have an admission that in fact I was right.

Tell me again why there aren't 100,000 people in Washington DC peacefully shutting down that town (by "sitting in" and other similar peaceful means of protest) until these charlatans all resign and/or are removed from office......

Are you, The American People, going to sit for this?

BTW, Mr. Issa voted "No" - but did he blow the whistle on Paulson's original proclaimed intent to blow half this bailout money on foreigners?

Hell no.

Next question: Where are the Congressional subpoenas, contempt citations and a special prosecutor to investigate this crap?

Are The American People really so pumped full of Prozac that they will sit still for this?
