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Robert Wagner

Robert Wagner 1 week ago

Racist is a hate word used to keep whites down, while they take our countries from us.

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ysonyou 1 week ago

A chicken plant in my state was raided a few years back, that is when the government used to do those things, and it was full of illegals - all were deported, It took about 8 days for the plant to get back up and running with locals doing the work. Importing people to do jobs Americans have done for generations is genocide.
· 7

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Ted Striker

Ted Striker 16 hours ago

To think America and the West would sink so low and find themselves fighting for survival while millions of our own people are brainwashed and inflicting this misery upon ourselves... There is not a second to lose. We stand and fight for our cause now, or our children will curse us for being such cowards and fools. Either we stand or we fall.

Luigi84289 4 days ago

There won't be a violent war as long as war in the middle east is staved off until the dollar collapses. It looks like that's 110% where we're headed. Putin shut down their plan to invade Syria and Iran's new president is a professional at dealing with the west and has us in a position where war with them is impossible.
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Luigi84289 4 days ago

The war is already here it's been here since the 1960's when the push to de-whiten the US began. We are finally beginning to fight back and it is glorious and refreshing to see us wanting a future for our people again and a home. A revolution is inevitable but it will be a peaceful revolution.
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Luigi84289 4 days ago

Racist is an attack term used against areas they want to de-whiten. There is no set definition for it.
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silvestro933 6 days ago

So true I support the south and live in ohio.

treblejunkie 1 week ago

You got that right.
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mike1988123 1 week ago

yep, it just means Whites that don't hate themselves. pretty much its a Marxist term. 
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nomadak47 1 week ago

War is coming.