Our Tribute To Obama The Messiah
By Greg L | 27 August 2008 | National Politics, Humor & Satire | 4 Comments

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvxiG56M-eU

Nice little parody, but apparently it was pretty tough for Glenn Beck to find someone that would sing the song. From his website:

By the way, an interesting little story on that. We kind of spent some money on, you know, some of the musical elements that we do on this program and we hire we’ve got actually believe it or not, we’ve got a couple of composers and some professional musicians that play with us regularly. When this one came around, we couldn’t get any we couldn’t get any singers. Not a single professional singer would take this job. They were like, oh, yeah, I’ll be there. Sure, yeah, I’ll do another comedy thing, that’s great, until they saw the lyrics. And then each and every single one of them said, oh, I can’t oh, no, I don’t I can’t do that. They none of them would take it. The guy singing that is the father of our composer, Anthony Newitt.
I guess this one hurt liberal sensitivities a little too much.
http://www.bvbl.net/index.php/2008/08/2 ... #more-2618