Tunisia, Egypt, Libya...Canada

Let's bring democracy to...Canada

The handiwork of Toronto Chief of Police Bill Blair

Bill Blair is the Chief of Police of Toronto.

In support of the G20 - you know, the gangsters who've destroyed the world financial system and beggared millions in the process - he oversaw an operation which brutalized thousands of citizens of Toronto and other parts of Canada.

While this episode has been called "the worst violation of citizen rights in Canadian history", only one police officer has been prosecuted (he was caught on video beating an unarmed man with a club) and somehow Blair who has done nothing but lie and justify his actions and those of his officers maintains his job.

It's more than a little ironic to hear the North American
politicians and new media types prattle on about the importance
of bringing democracy to places like Libya and Iran.

Last summer the G20 visited Toronto.

In advance of that, the G20 sent the city millions of
dollars for "equipment and training."

This video shows some of what the G20 got for their money.

This story was not reported in the US or elsewhere for that matter.

It's time for the rest of the world to learn what happened and who
is responsible.

This is a 10 min video



Here's the entire video:

